“You look—” He releases a happy sigh. “Gorgeous.” He glances down at himself.

I think he looks great, albeit underdressed compared to me.

“What’s going on, Daddy?”

“Dinner.” I gesture to the table.

“Umm, is it a special occasion?”

“Not yet.”

His brows tug together.

“I’ve put some clothes out for you to wear. Come back soon.”

“Okay, Daddy.”


“Yes, Daddy?”

“Wear one of your plugs for me.”

He grins. “I’d love to, Daddy.” He slips down the corridor towards the bedrooms.

I sit on the sofa, tapping my fingertips while waiting for him. Not that he keeps me waiting long.

“I’m ready, Daddy.”

I turn on the sofa. The sight of him knocks the air out of my lungs.

“Oh, baby, you look stunning.”

He dips his chin and smiles. “You chose my outfit, Daddy.”

He’s wearing a suit, which is the perfect cut and size for him. It’s in navy rather than black like mine because it suits his complexion better. I stand, close the distance between us, cup his face in my hands, and lean down to kiss him. His lips are soft and as eager as mine. As I slip my tongue into his mouth, he moans and presses his palms against my chest. I always lose myself when I kiss him. It’s as if time is standing still and the world has fallen asleep. There’s nothing but the two of us, the taste and feel of him, the flutter of his heart and the soft whimpering sounds he makes as I deepen the kiss. With every kiss, I fall in love with him a little more. I didn’t know it was possible to love someone this much, let alone love them more each moment, each day.

“Wow,” he whispers. “That was some kiss, Daddy.”

I chuckle and embrace him.

“I’m confused,” he admits.

“What about?”

“Why you’ve gone to all this trouble when we don’t have anything to celebrate.”

“Sure we do.”

He stares up at me, expression quizzical.

“You’ve survived your first season as a rugby partner.”

Our last game was at the weekend, where we lost in the semi-finals to Leicester Tigers. We’re third in the league, though, which is fucking amazing. Yet again, I’m proud to be a Harlequin.

“I did. I’ve learnt a thing or two about rugby along the way.”

“Still not your favourite sport?”