“Caterers?” Wren asks as we follow Elijah through a beautiful hallway into a huge kitchen and out the bi-folding doors into a massive garden.

“Yes. You don’t think I’m going to try and make food for over forty people, do you?”

Wren’s eyes become huge. “Over forty people?”

“Fifteen players, eight reserves, and their partners. It’s why I have a big garden.” He winks.

“Oh, yeah, you have a big garden in order to throw a party once a year,” I jibe.

“My missus throws a few garden parties too. Speaking of the lovely lady, there she is.” Rob waves her over. “This is my wife, Savannah. You already know Tanner, and this is his partner, Wren.”

“You’re a cutie,” Savannah says. “Don’t worry. I looked like a deer trapped in headlights the first time Rob introduced me to the team too.”

“You did?” Wren asks.

“Yes. But they’re a lovely bunch and nowhere near as intimidating as they look. Anyway, it’s nice to meet you.” She kisses Wren’s cheek. “I’m sure we’ll get to know each other a lot better over the coming season. They’re just serving food.” She gestures to some folding tables next to a massive barbecue. “Help yourselves. Drinks are over there.” She points to two huge blue buckets filled with ice. “Soft drinks on the left, beer and lager on the right. If you’ll excuse me, I have to mingle.”

“Being the captain’s wife is such a hard job,” Rob teases.

Savannah grins as she flips her finger at her husband and then wanders away to talk to the wife of one of my teammates.

“I’ll leave you to socialise,” Rob says. “Catch you both later.”

“That went well,” Wren says.

I lean down to kiss him. “Yeah, it did. Was that more or less intimidating than meeting my parents?”

Wren scrunches his lips. “I’m not sure. There are more people here, but somehow it was more important to impress your parents. I might change my mind on that after I’ve said hello to everyone here.” His eyes widen. “I have to say hello to everyone here, don’t I?”

I laugh. “It’ll be fine. They don’t bite, and I’ll be with you the whole time.”

Wren’s expression relaxes into a soft smile. “You will?”

“I’m never going to leave your side. It will be like we’re Velcroed together.”

“I like that mental image.”

I lean down so I can whisper in his ear, “Add this one to it. Later, we’ll be stuck together with cum.”

He shivers. “That was the meanest and sexiest thing you could have said.”

I laugh as I stand tall. “Are you ready to meet more of my teammates?”


My chest tightens. “You don’t sound sure.”

“I didn’t realise there would be so many people here,” he admits.


“You don’t need to be sorry, D—” He smiles. “I didn’t know there were so many players and reserves.” He nibbles his lower lip. “I need to take more of an interest in rugby.”


“Because it’s a huge part of your life. It’s more than a job. It’s your passion. I could get away with knowing nothing when we were in high school and college. But now? My partner is a professional rugby player in the premiership, no less, and I’m completely clueless. I’ll do better.”

I wrap my arm around him and hug him against my side. “I know rugby isn’t your thing. You don’t have to know anything about it to support my career. You don’t have to come to any matches either.”