I part my lips, longing for him to kiss me again.

“Seven,” he whispers before bowing down to press his lips against mine.

I feel the same sparks I did earlier. That sensation of knowing his lips intimately while still being surprised at how masterfully he kisses me.

“Tomorrow,” I repeat, unable to do anything but stare into his dark blue eyes. “Seven.”

“I want you to do something for me.”

“Anything, Daddy.”

“When we leave here and get to collect our phones, I’d like your address so I can send you something to wear.”

“Something to wear?”

“Yes. Will you?”

Tanner’s request is new and exciting. Granted, I’ve only had one Daddy, but Rex never asked me to wear a specific outfit when we went out together. I’m not sure how he’s going to be able to pick out and send an outfit by the time I have to set off to meet him for dinner tomorrow, but the confidence in his voice suggests he’ll find a way.

“Yes, Daddy.”

He smiles and combs his fingers through my curls. “Wonderful. Now, let’s enjoy the rest of our evening together.”

I half close my eyes and rest my head against the crook of his neck. Coming to The Library tonight is turning into one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

Chapter 5


* * *

Wren arrives at the restaurant five minutes early. I’m waiting outside for him. I smile the moment I see him walking down the street, from the direction of Baker Street tube station, looking gorgeous in the clothes I sent him. The tight-fitting pale olive T-shirt and stone chinos fit him well. He’s turned the chinos up at the hem, revealing bare ankles. The colour scheme compliments his complexion, straw-blond hair, the frames of his glasses, and his brown eyes.

It’s busy. Lots of people are rushing past, but that doesn’t stop me from greeting him by leaning down to peck him on the lips. His eyes widen as I stand tall, and then he blushes and grins, revealing his beautiful dimples.

“Good day?” I ask.

“Yes. The library was busy. I mean the British Library, not The Library. That’s going to get so confusing.”

I laugh. “I knew what you meant.” I skim my eyes over him. “I’m glad the clothes fit. You look wonderful.” I kiss his cheek, which makes his blush deepen to sunset red.

“They do. Thank you, and I love the outfit. It was great not to have to fret about what to wear. I barely had time to shower and get changed as it was.”

“I’m glad I was able to make your evening a little easier.” That had been my intention, along with seeing if he would wear the clothes I’d picked out for him. It gives me an idea of how much control he might want to give to a Daddy.

I’m getting ahead of myself. Accepting a dinner date doesn’t mean he wants anything beyond tonight. Should I wish for more? Five years is a long time. I do want more. I want to see if we can go some way to bridging the distance between us tonight.

I stand beside him and put my hand on the small of his back. “Shall we go inside?”

He nods, so I lead him inside, opening the door for him.

“It’s beautiful,” he whispers, gazing around as we wait to be shown to our table.

The restaurant has cream walls. The floor has white marble tiles with black diamond insets. The underlit bar is made from curved wooden slats. Behind the bar, there’s a tree with gnarled branches adorned with silk flowers and hundreds of twinkling fairy lights. The branches spread out over the ceiling, creating a magical atmosphere. One short wall has been painted brown with cream flowers and tree designs all over it. We’re shown to a table for two underneath one of the tree branches.

I pull Wren’s chair out for him, put his white linen napkin on his lap, and hand him an open menu. Then I let the waiter do the same for me.

Wren’s eyes pop wide as he peruses the menu. No doubt he’s seen the prices. “Tanner, this—”