I grab a clean napkin and do it for him.

He blinks. “Th-thank you.”

I sit. “I wish I’d been braver five years ago.”

Wren looks down. “I wish I’d been more patient.” He brushes his hand over his cheek, removing a falling tear. “But wishes can’t change the past.”


He looks around. “Are you here with someone?”

“No. You?”

“No.” He taps his fingertips together. “This is weird.”

“Good weird?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know yet.” He tilts his head. “How did you get into Daddy kink?”

I blow out a breath. “Funny story. I dated another guy on the team briefly. Luis. He’s a fly-half.” I rub my neck, not because I’m embarrassed by the story I’m telling, but because it’s strange to talk to my first love about my past boyfriends. “The first time we had sex, he called me Daddy.”

“And it turned you on?”

“Yes. I didn’t realise Daddy kink was a thing until then or that there were places like this.” He gestures at the room. “Or that meetups of Daddies and boys happened. Turns out, I had a lot to learn. What about you? How did you get into being a—?” Please say ‘boy’. Please say ‘boy’. Not that I have any right to make that wish.

“Boy.” He gives me a sheepish smile. “Also via a past boyfriend. My last boyfriend, actually. We were together for around nine months.” He twists his fingers around each other. “We split up four months ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

Wren was with someone for nine months? Most of my flings last a month or two at most.

He waves his hand. “It’s fine. It wasn’t meant to be.” He grips the edge of the barstool and takes a deep breath. “When I saw this event organised, I thought it might be a good time to look for a new Daddy.” He looks up into my eyes. “Even if it only ends up being for one night.”

“You’re looking for a Daddy?” I whisper.

He blushes and lowers his gaze. “Yes. But, uh, right now, I’m catching up with an old friend.” He looks towards the dance floor. “And I’m not in a rush to go. How about you?”

“I wanted to find someone who would call me Daddy tonight. But I’m happy sitting here, catching up with you.” I brush my knuckle over his cheek. “I’ve missed you, Wren. I still think about you.”


“Yes. You were my first everything. My first kiss. First love. First hand job.”

He laughs.

I lean closer. “First blow job, giving and receiving.”

His cheeks go bright red.

“First guy I had sex with.” My stomach ties itself in knots. Emotion lodges in my throat and chest, making it hard to breathe. “The first, and only, time I’ve had a broken heart. My first and biggest regret.”

Wren’s eyes tear up again. “That was beautiful. I’ve missed you too.” He sniffs. “And I still think about you. A lot. Probably too much.” Tears make his eyes look twice their normal size.

“I seem to keep making you cry.” I hand him a fresh napkin. “I can’t be a very good Daddy.”

“Why not?” He wipes the new tears from his eyes.

“Because a good Daddy would do anything to stop his boy from crying, not be the one to make him cry.”