“Remember to pinch my thigh if you reach your limit.” I fisted his hair and started fucking his mouth.

That did it for one of the twins. Or maybe both. Their groans grew louder alongside my own, and soon I was forcing my cock down Danny’s throat, where I emptied myself in several bursts.

Even when he gagged and choked, he squeezed my ass cheeks and pulled me toward him.

I shuddered violently and withdrew slowly. He sucked me greedily through labored breaths, grazing his teeth along my cock just the way I loved it.

“Such a good little cocksucker for Daddy.” I caressed his cheeks and took a mental photo of the string of saliva that connected the head of my cock to his lips. Until the water washed it away.

“I always wanna be good for my Daddy,” he croaked.

I picked him up and hugged him to me.

The twins knew when to leave. I heard the door close.

My chest swelled with unspoken declarations. I just squeezed him tighter and kissed his neck. He was always good, and I reminded him every day. It was never about the moments of anger or when his uncertainties took over. Everything was about what came afterward. When we recovered together. When I comforted him, the progress we made together, the walls we kept knocking down as a team.

I was falling for him. Damn hard and fast too.

“You ready to get to work?” I murmured.

He nodded sluggishly and drew mindless patterns on my chest with his fingertips.

We had a full day planned. Target practice, a meeting at Hillcroft, the twins had their Spanish class tonight, and Danny and I were gonna talk infiltration tactics and disguises.

At this rate, he’d finish his training with the twins, probably in six or seven months. Although, the twins would continue to study once they got their first mission too. It took years.

Three months later

It was a good thing that an official physical trainer had taken over the boys’ sparring sessions. Once a week, I drove the boys down to our training facility, and I got to watch half a dozen young men learn various kinds of martial arts. They went at it like fucking animals, with a level of energy and stamina I only had in my memories.

Today, everyone had gone up against Danny at some point. Not alone either, but in teams of two and three.

Safe to say, my boy was fight-ready.

“You okay, kid?” I tossed River another roll of surgical tape and remained in the doorway. Reese had busted both his bottom lip and an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Reese muttered. “How the fuck is he so fast? I gotta work harder. I mean, we were two against him.”

“You gotta rest up and remember he has eight years on you,” I said pointedly. Not to mention Special Forces training. “That’s what you gotta do.”

I had no doubt Reese would get there one day. He was a born fighter. Not only did he attack swiftly and viciously, but he managed to spare his brother from most of the onslaught as well. River had gotten away with a few bruises and a twisted ankle.

After wishing the boys a good night, I returned to my room and heard Danny in the bathroom. Humming to himself.

I smiled and opened the door wider.

My boy was happy and brushing his teeth.

He turned to me, toothpaste dribbling down his bruised chin, and grinned.

“You still high on adrenaline?” I chuckled.

He shook his head and spat out some toothpaste in the sink. “I’m high on youuuu.”

My heart.

I couldn’t wait another minute. I walked over to him and took over, grabbing the toothbrush from him. He had to be careful with those cuts and bruises. Reese had still gotten him good a few times.