They both nod again, and the part of me that craves giving that kind of guidance and support—the part that felt a soul-deep contentment when I was able to help Cade with his panic attack just now, and glowed with satisfaction at the beautifully responsive way Yasmin let me take control and step in—that part gives up a little bit of my heart to these two, right then and there.

“I think you each need the chance to let go of the burden of trying to be something you’re not, so that you can fully appreciate everything you are to each other. You just need a little help filling in the missing pieces. Someone to—”

“To take charge sometimes?” Yasmin blurts out, cutting me off.

“Someone like you?” Cade adds eagerly before his eyes dart to Yasmin’s, as if he needs to reassure himself that he hasn’t overstepped with her. She nods, and he starts to relax, then suddenly freezes up again and pulls away from me, blushing fiercely. He clears his throat. “Sorry, um, I’m probably not exactly your type—”

“You are very much my type, sweet boy,” I cut him off with a guttural growl that surprises even me. On my other side, Yasmin tenses up, so I turn to her, softening my voice. “As are you. I’m pansexual, sweethearts, and I find you both incredibly physically attractive. But more than that, I…”

I hesitate, realizing all at once how very important this feels to me, even though it’s sudden and unexpected. These two already matter to me, and their latent submissive tendencies—something I doubt either one of them has had the courage to directly address, otherwise they wouldn’t have been so frustrated with their inability to fulfill each others’ needs—call to me like a siren’s song.

I want them, so much that I’m suddenly terrified of coming on too strong and scaring them off before we all get a chance to see if we fit.

But that fear only lasts for a moment, just long enough for mercurial little Yasmin to give me an impish grin before biting her lip and looking up at me through her lashes. “Sophia told us that you need someone to call you Daddy.”

The interest in her voice has my cock swelling, pushing against the lightweight fabric of my linen suit. She walks her fingers up my chest, her voice dropping to something low and sultry as, on my other side, Cade stifles a low groan of arousal.

Good. And not just because it feels a lot like I’ve somehow been blessed with a chance at exactly what I’ve always yearned for, but also because the tide is still coming in, starting to seep up through the raised floor of the hut, and it won’t be long until the cushioned benches we’re on feel like they’re floating in the midst of the dark ocean with only the thatched roof above between us and the sea of stars that are so breathtaking out here.

It will be beautiful and overwhelming, but not something we consider safe for guests since the exact height of the tide is subject to variables that can be hard to predict. With the way the big storm a couple of months ago affected the shape of the seafloor around the island, the entire jetty needs to be built up again.

It’s the reason we’ve cordoned it off, and while I feel relatively confident that it won’t get higher than our ankles tonight, after Cade admitted his fears to me, I’ll take any distraction I can give the sweet boy until the waters finally recede again.

Of course, that line of thinking reminds me of exactly why we all ended up out here, so as much as I’m enjoying the evidence that my interest is reciprocated, from both of them, when Yasmin pushes me with a raised eyebrow and a saucy, “So, like Cade already asked you… Daddy, did you mean someone like you?”

—I don’t hold back.

“If I were your Daddy, little girl, I’d spank you right now for having ignored the warning signs on the beach and putting yourself in danger.”

And terrifying Cade, but I won’t burden her with that reminder. Especially not when she freezes, her eyes going wide and her fingers trembling where they rest over my heart.

For a moment, her reaction makes me worry that I’ve gone too far. But then, in the space between one heartbeat and the next, all the tension flows out of her body like water, and a look of deep, heartfelt yearning comes over her face.

“It was my fault Cade panicked,” she says in a small voice, her eyes bouncing to him for a moment and then back to me again as they well up with tears. “I feel so guilty, and Cade just… just forgives me all the time when I do stupid, thoughtless, selfish things like that.”

Cade looks bewildered. “Of course I forgive you, Yaz. I love you. I know you didn’t mean for that to happen,” he says, starting to look upset when she frantically shakes her head in denial. Then the sweet boy looks to me. “Da—uh, Henry?”

I kiss his forehead. “You’ve done nothing wrong. Daddy will handle this.”

Claiming that title comes far too easily for how quickly these two have gone from virtual strangers to a couple I’m very much hoping will become significant to me. But I don’t second guess it for even a moment, not when the effect on Cade is so profound.

His eyes go wide. Cade isn’t a small man. I’ve got a little height on him, a little bulk, but with his obvious strength and masculinity, I have no doubt at all that he’s experienced a lifetime of being the one others look to to solve things.

He’s probably never had the chance to hand off that burden and truly be taken care of the way he so clearly craves… and the way he practically melts into me when I offer him the chance to have that takes my breath away.

“Yes, Daddy,” he says, giving me a shy smile that goes straight to my heart. “Are you really going to spank Yaz?”

“That depends.” I turn to her. “Sweetheart? Is that what you want?”

I can tell it’s what she needs, but I don’t yet have the right to make those decisions for her.

Until she gives it to me.

“Yes, please. If you think it will help… Daddy.”

“I do.” I smooth my hand down her long hair, taking note that the tide had risen enough that the boards of the little hut are completely underwater now, lapping at all of our feet. “Take your shoes off,” I tell them both. And, to Cade, “Roll up your pant legs and tuck your feet up on the cushions.”

An echo of his earlier panic flashes across his face, but then he does it, setting his shoes next to him and getting his feet completely out of the water. Turning himself a bit on the wide, plush cushions, he’s now tucked up and facing me.