He’d always given off Daddy vibes—he asked about what I ate and he made sure I wasn’t working too much and he always knew when I was stressed.

“Thank you.” Feeling all squirmy inside, I swung the bag and looked down at the floor, wondering if I was going to lose my nerve. “I… I was going to ask you something but I don’t know if I should.”

Might as well make sure he knew I wasn’t so good at the whole take life by the horns idea.

“I think just admitting that makes you very brave.” Tate’s soft words had me looking back up at him, still feeling weird, but a little less worried than before.

“Really? I think… I’d wanted to…” Oh dear. This was so frustrating.

It was also why I needed a Daddy… but it was going to make it impossible to get a Daddy.

I was pretty sure I had one who just showed up one day bringing me ice cream, and I still couldn’t manage to talk to him about anything date-ish.

I hadn’t even managed to ask if he knew he was a Daddy.

My online friends said some men didn’t know that they were Daddies until their Littles found them. I’d thought that was crazy but then I’d met Tate. I just didn’t know what to do now. I should’ve asked more questions to my online friends, but I thought I’d been prepared.

Evidently not.

As I took a deep breath and tried to figure out where to start again, because it was really getting to the point of ridiculous, Tate shifted closer to the door and cleared his throat. I really hoped he was going to let me down nicely, but I was brave and looked back up again.

He didn’t look like he was mad.

That had to be a good sign.

I just didn’t know what his blank, maybe concerned expression meant. “Addison, were you going to ask me out?”

I was pretty sure the world stopped while I tried to get words past the lump in my throat, but when that didn’t work, I had to settle for nodding.

He smiled.

Oh wow.

That couldn’t be a bad thing.

His smile even made his eyes twinkle as he glanced down at the bag I was still swinging. “Well, now that you’re not my customer any longer, would it be inappropriate if I asked you out instead? I happen to know a good restaurant that makes cookies for dessert.”

He did?

“I like cookies.” Shoot. That wasn’t very grown-up.

“I know.” His smile got even wider and just seeing how happy he was made me want to throw myself at him. His chest was broad and he had strong arms and I just knew he’d be a very good cuddler. “How about—”

“I have to tell you something first.” Interrupting was rude, but if he asked me out first, I might not be able to tell him no. “I… You might change your mind when you find out and that’s okay. You’ve been very nice and I won’t be offended.”

Not much anyway.

I’d be sad, though.

“It’s okay, Addison.” He kept saying my name and I loved the way it sounded from him. He’d never said my name when I was just his customer. “Tell me what you think I need to know.”

Oh, he needed to know alright.

“I’m… I’m a Little.” My confession had him cocking his head and blinking, but that seemed more like he was confused than weirded out by it. “I… when I relax and want to let the stress from the real world go, I make cookies and play with toys and watch cartoons. I’m not… I’m not a really good grown-up all the time.”

That was an understatement but I figured it was a good starting point.

“Oh, and I like princess dresses when I play… and I have a tiara.” That was probably stuff he needed to know too. “So…”