He wasn’t wrong. I woke up with my head on his chest. Those gorgeous dark nipples called to me like chocolate left unsupervised. I had to taste. I took one in my mouth and sucked, hard.

“Hey, trouble. This is a nice way wake up.” He ran his hands through my dreads but didn’t ask me to stop, and I wasn’t volunteering. I moved from the one closest to me and stretched out my tongue to reach the other one. I didn’t know if it was even possible, but the man tasted as good as he smelled. It was like licking the beater after mixing a batch of vanilla pudding. Who needed dessert when they could lick a man like Sterling?

“I want you to fuck me. If this is our only night together, I have to feel you inside of me. I will not spend my life wondering what it might have been like.”

“You’re a lot more verbal after a good orgasm, huh?”

I tucked my in the crook of his neck. “That was super forward. Sorry. I–”

“Nothing to be ashamed of, baby. I like knowing what you want, and I love that what you want is for me to take that ass for my pleasure.” He reached into his nightstand and pulled out supplies.

“That is a ridiculously large bottle of lube.”

“It was a gag gift from a bachelor party. Don’t worry I’m not planning on using it all tonight.”

“That’s a relief.”

It was nice being attracted to a man’s naked body, his mind, and his wit all in the same space. I wasn’t worried about Sterling giving me the cold shoulder and truly felt like being in this moment with me was exactly what he wanted. He didn’t even mention the fact that I’d called him Daddy multiple times. If he was weirded out by it, he never let on. Maybe it was a sex thing for him too. Now was not the time to pull that thread. I had six feet and six inches worth of man ready to have his way with me, and I wasn’t messing that up for anything. Dick now. Answers later.

This time around Sterling was in complete control. He made love to my mouth in a softer and more gentle way than we went at it earlier. Every touch was slower and more deliberate. He was in no hurry. The time and attention he showed my body had me writhing in pleasure and begging once again.

“Easy. I don’t want to hurt you–”

“You won’t, Daddy, I’m ready. I swear.”

“I’ll decide if and when you’re ready for all of this,” he said, stroking his length slowly as he tore at the condom packet and rolled it on. I wanted my mouth or my hand getting him hard, but watching was fun too. Once he was properly sheathed, he lubed up the same two fingers that previously explored and destroyed my ass and returned them to their rightful place deep in my hole.

“You are still nice and stretched.” Sterling worked those lubed digits in and out of me until I threatened to come again from his fingers instead of that steel rod that was poised to plunge into me.

“Do it. Please give me your cock.”

I was more than ready to receive Sterling’s fat cock. My hole was the perfect vessel to receive it. It was what I’d been waiting for. The perfect fit. This wasn’t the pounding of my dream or the concentrated focus on my pleasure from earlier. We were two men learning each other’s bodies and taking mutual gratification. Sure, I was only twenty-two, but so far it was the best sex I’d ever had. The best part wasn’t the orgasm though. The best part was falling asleep in his arms and feeling connected to him after we woke up and showered together for the drive back to my car.

“Sterling, before we get to the Club and this night becomes a distant memory, I want to say thank you. I can’t say I wasn’t hoping for sex tonight–that would be a lie and I know how you feel about that–but I wasn’t expecting a connection.”

“I’m glad you felt that. We’ve been avoiding something all night though, beautiful.”

“We have?”

He didn’t answer until we were at a red light, and he could look at me. “Being obtuse and pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about is as adorable as you think. I don’t take being called Daddy by every man I bed. That’s a title reserved for the special someone who has earned it, and that understands it.”

We started up again. I wasn’t sure what he wanted to hear, so I went for more honesty.

“Sterling, you’re right I did get caught up in the moment and called you Daddy, but I didn’t mean it offensively. I do know about the lifestyle and even though my ex was terrible at it, we tried to learn and live, well--I tried-- Daddy relationship. But Preston had major issues with me calling him Daddy outside of sex. He said it was about me slipping up on campus and him not wanting anyone to know about our relationship or personal life.”

“I’m sorry you went through that, or that he made you feel like what you wanted was something shameful that needed to be hidden away.”

“It was a bad patch, even though I didn’t figure that out until it was too late, but I know that if it makes me happy, turns me on, brings me joy, that it’s absolutely okay.”

“So, what kind of Daddy did you want that Preston couldn’t deliver?”

“He missed the mark on being kind, caring, and supportive. I don’t need every fault pointed out or to be treated like a child. I need to feel trusted, even through my mistakes, because I’m going to make them. I’m going to make them a lot.”

We pulled up next to my car and Sterling killed the engine. He turned to me and took my hand in his turning it over and examining it. “I love your hands. Did you ever play the piano?”

“Um, no. I took lessons, but everyone agreed it wasn’t for me. Mother channeled my energy and her money elsewhere.”

“So, the world will never know what gifts you may have contributed to the world of music. I enjoy your company, Hayes Dixon. I want to spend more time with you and get to know you.”