Hayes’ text message pulled me up short. I wasn’t expecting to get cut off without explanation or, frankly, cut off at all. Of course, I’d seen him bristle at his mother, but as far as I was concerned, she provoked it. I had not. Once that bit of business was handled, I let the restaurant know we would be there soon. I was excited to share the taste-testing experience with him, but I would certainly set some ground rules to our working together. I had no appreciation for being accused or dictated to by anyone.

I’d seen him walking up from the self-parking lot as I was pulling through the gates. He wore tan jeans that hugged his cute bubble butt and muscled thighs. There was a messenger bag across his body and a pair of Chucks on his feet. It wasn’t until I got up to the valet and he turned to face me that I could see how much more put together he was than the previous day’s jeans with holes and a university t-shirt. He had on a golden yellow spring sweater that made his skin glow like he had a fresh tan. I wasn’t sure I’d ever thought of a Black man’s complexion as being sun kissed, but looking at him there was no better description. The most unexpected thing on him was the dark tan Trilby on his head. He was positively delicious from head to toe.

“Well, hello there. You need a ride?” I called out to him as I slowed in front of the valet stand. As I unfolded my six-foot five frame from the sports car, to say he was shocked would be putting it mildly. His eyes made quick work of scanning the car and me. I knew the exact moment his lust kicked in as he bit his bottom lip between his teeth and drew in a deep breath. I took a deliberately slow stroll to the passenger side and opened the door for him. He ran around the hood of the car and brushed up against me in the most obvious manner. I closed the door behind him and made my way back to the driver’s seat.

“Buckle up, Hayes, it’s going to be one long ride.” I slid the car into drive again and turned the music up full blast, which came across as almost silent as we speed down the I-17. He was smiling but kept stealing little furtive glances. At least he wasn’t holding on for dear life anymore.

At the restaurant we were escorted to the back of the house to the small chef’s table that was set up in the kitchen for us to do the tasting.

“Um, are we supposed to be here?” Hayes was looking around as the kitchen crew worked busily around us.

“Yes. Have a seat. This is a chef’s table especially set up for me to taste samples of items I’m hoping to put on the menu for the gala.”

“What dishes are you considering? I cannot believe my mother is letting you do this without her. Besides, doesn’t the Club cater their own events?”

“Ms. Annabelle was not a fan of the in-house catering last year. Something about it not being true authentic Gullah cuisine. Her exact words were, ‘What am I supposed do with all this fancy stuff? And, if I see one more dang flower on something I will scream.’”

“Woah, she broke out ‘dang’? Now, I know she was fired up.” His laughter was refreshing. Chef Pat came over and described some of the dishes we would be sampling. Hayes’s eyes were wide in anticipation as she described the red rice, okra & tomatoes, fried chicken, biscuits, and Charleston Chewies we could expect, plus a few surprises. When she walked away, he stared after her in awe.

“So, you’re a real foodie, huh?” I asked.

“I’m sorry. Yeah, was I drooling?” It was adorable watching him pick up the napkin and dab and the corners of his mouth. It was the mouth I had been thinking about all morning.

“Only a little bit.”

We spent the next two hours eating and making notes and laughing at things we loved but knew Ms. Annabelle would have both of our heads if we picked. Hayes was smart and funny. By the time the mini Charleston Chewies were in front of us I felt like I’d known him for much longer than a day and half, and I wasn’t ready to lose his company.

“You mentioned wanting to go over some notes you took with you mother earlier and I have a few files from Billy, the previous designer, that I’d like you to see. Are you free to come back to my place?”

I was hoping he would say okay or didn’t have other plans for the night.

“Sounds good to me,” he answered. “Should we go and get my car? I don’t want you to have to go back and forth once you get home.”

“I won’t mind driving you back later.”

My condo overlooked the river, and we chatted about the menu a bit, other foods he enjoyed, his time in college, and his best friend Annie as we drove. He only got quiet and cagey when I started asking about what brought him back to South Carolina from California. He spoke about it like a magical land of freedom, and I wanted to understand what really landed him back here. But I allowed him to back away from the subject and instead we slipped back into silence and listened to the music.

I wanted to know all about Hayes. I knew the family legacy story his mother wove around the Club, but knowing how padded those Club tales tended to be, I figured I stood a better chance getting the real answers from him. When I glanced over a few minutes later his eyes were closed. Either he was exhausted for real, or he was a hell of a pretend sleeper.

“We’re here sleepyhead,” I said and touched his leg.

He startled a little then sat up straight and looked around the marina. His eyes were processing hard, but he still didn’t say much as he followed me to the entrance. I didn’t notice he was still hovering at the entrance until I’d put my things away and turned back around.

“Are you okay? You seem stunned.” I moved to stand in front of him.

“This is… I’m surprised is all. I wasn’t expecting such modern city living and style after what I learned when I looked you—”

His voice trailed off to silence. So, someone had clearly given in to their curiosity and did some digging. I wasn’t sure how or why that meant I wouldn’t live in the city, but I planned on finding out.

“Hayes, were you snooping around in my background?”

“No, sir. I mean I wouldn’t use the word snoop. Research sounds so much nicer, don’t you think?”

I took another step toward him. Our chests still seeming level with the space between us. I had him at least by a half foot in height and knew that a step or two more and he’d be forced to look up at me.

“Why were you researching me, Hayes? I would have answered any questions you had.”

“I… I… I just wanted to know a little more about you before our lunch today. I mean, other than what my mother told me. I didn’t want to come in blind.”