She could hear me clicking away and I could hear her heavy sighing coming through the line. Part of me was torturing her. The other part was waiting for more information to load.

“Got it!” I exclaimed like a childhood detective. “Did you hear me?” I asked, like I expected her to match my level of enthusiasm.

“I did. I’m waiting for you to say what you got.”

“There’s an article in the archives of the Carolina Centennial about Sterling. This man was yummy in weekday clothes, but girl, in a tuxedo, he is positively decadent. Hang on. I’m gonna take a picture of my screen.” Her little hmm when she opened the message told me she understood my attraction, and possible obsession, to someone I just met.

“Okay, I’m interested. Tell me more.”

“So, it says that Mitchell Layton Sterling, Jr., is from old South Carolina money. His mother died when he was in college and he inherited half of her wealth. He got an MBA and studied history and political science in undergrad. He owns tons of real estate all around the southern coastline and has two places in Europe—”

Annie cut me off. “Are you sure he’s gay? Like, could the right woman change him back?”

“Annie! The man is thirty-nine years old. I’m pretty sure he’s committed to his sexuality.”

“Fine, go on. A girl can fantasize too, you know.” Now, she was speaking to me between crunches. That meant a bowl of buttered popcorn, or a bag of crunchy doodles were on the couch next to her. I went from car Bluetooth to speaker phone as she changed out of her work clothes, and finally she popped in her ear buds.

“And he is a consultant. I’m not sure what that means exactly. The article doesn’t explain what it is, but he clearly impressed the reporter. Listen to this:”

“He has chased historical leads, connected ancestral dots and dove down research rabbit holes for a singular mission: to correct the narrative of our country’s history and give the proper due to those taken from Africa and enslaved.”

“Well, that explains his interest and activism with the Society. Lord, I’m glad my parents were never that committed or into it,” Annie said. “So, let’s see. To summarize, this man is smart, rich, works with the old ladies, so is obviously patient and mature. Older without it being creepy. Just shy of Daddy age.”

“Every age is Daddy age and trust me, creepy would never come up when describing this man. Hold on.” One more quick glance at him in that tuxedo and my decision was made. A few years of age difference was one thing, but we were talking about generational gaps here. Sterling was also the first BHM (big handsome male) I’d ever had an interest in. It wasn’t like I explicitly didn’t like bigger men; it just hadn’t happened up to this point. If he was game, I was going to experience a few firsts with Mitchell Layton Sterling, Jr.

I rolled off my bed to grab my wallet from my dresser and fished out Sterling’s card. Damn, I hadn’t noticed when he first handed it to me, but this card was slick. The paper had a smooth textured feel, and my hands didn’t feel clean enough to touch it. It was jet black on the front with an abstract silver logo and his information set beneath it running vertically.

Mitchell Layton Sterling, Jr.

Sterling Worldwide Consulting Group

(843) 555-7386

I kept my message brief.

sry 4 my attitude

lets meet 4 lunch 2morrow

not @ the club


I hit send and got back to Annie.

“Did you hear me calling you? What were you doing?” She yelled the questions into the phone.

“No. I can hear you now, so stop yelling. I was texting Sterling. I invited him to lunch.”

Her gasp was audible and over-the-top. “Okay. Now I know this is about more than some Gullah gala. I mean, the man is hot. But I thought you had a list of other things you were supposed to be focusing on. Job. Apartment. Unless you want to reconsider moving in with me.”

“How the hell are we going to live in a one bedroom together? No, I think for the next few weeks I’m going to have some fun and focus on Daddy-McHottie.”

“Your bounce back game is much stronger than previously displayed. You’re on the path now though, so I guess I have no choice but to support this foolish venture. What’s your plan?”

“Nothing too fancy. For now, lunch.” I couldn’t even let Annie in on my real summer plans. Getting Sterling into bed had gone to the top of the list. “Since that’s solved, tell me what’s going on in your life. I’ve kind of been a little self-absorbed for the last three weeks.”

“A little bit.” Her reply was tinged with sarcasm and hurt.