Dedicated to the Ancestors

“The Gullah are African Americans who live in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina and Georgia, which includes both the coastal plain and the Beaufort Sea Islands. The Gullah are known for preserving more of their African linguistic and cultural heritage than any other African American community in the United States.”

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I looked over my shoulder as my hands clutched the headboard. Sweat dripped down from his brow as he slammed his cock into me with everything he had. Each thrust had him hitting that spot inside of me that made me want to promise Preston everything and anything.

I tried to slide my hand down to my dick. The need to come overrode his earlier command not to touch myself.

“Hands, Hayes! I love being inside of you. Don’t ruin it by rushing.” He added more pressure to his grip on my hips.

“Yes, Daddy. I love the way you fill me. It feels so good—ahhh—more please. Need to come so bad!”

The more he pounded my ass, the more my dick dripped pre cum. It swung hard and fast, hitting my stomach on the upswing. Preston had made me cum hands free more than once. I was no virgin when we met, but Preston brought more experience and experimentation to our sex life. I felt well on my way to repeating that minor hands-free miracle when he leaned in closer and used his hand on my neck to pull my back to his front turning my head around enough to attack my mouth with his. There was nothing gentle about Preston during sex, and that included his kisses. My lips were as punished as my hips under his hold. One hand held my throat and, sweet baby Jesus, the other one finally gripped my dick with no mercy. Looking at Preston, you wouldn’t think dominant, Daddy, or that he knew the first thing about rough sex. However, he was all those things, wrapped in the package of a studious-and-stern-looking college professor. That’s what had drawn me to him in the first place. Preston had his shit together. I wasn’t as flighty as I was my freshmen year, but even now, as a senior, I couldn’t say I had it all worked out. Preston was helping with that. I’d come to rely on him.

“Oh, baby, that's amazing. You’re making me feel so fucking good,” he said with a breathy moan.

I wanted to turn around so we could have some eye contact, but as soon as I pulled away a little, he gripped down hard again.

“Uh-uh, no running. Be good, Hayes, and Daddy will let you come.”

The hand on my throat slid down to my left nipple and pinched hard enough to make me wail. “Fuck!”

I came all over his hand and felt him release his load inside of me. It was the best part of sex for me. Feeling him throb and push deep into me when he came made me feel all warm inside. There was something so good about knowing that I could get him off by letting him pound me.

If only those feelings ever lasted for more than a minute after he pulled out. Using a towel we kept at the foot of the bed when we planned to have sex, we each cleaned ourselves as best we could and laid back for a little rest. I wish I could say a snuggle, but Preston said I ran hot, and he wasn’t a fan of having me draped all over him.

“Do you have a taste for anything specific for dinner, Daddy?” I asked.

“Hayes, I told you I’m not really into the whole Daddy thing outside of the bedroom. I don’t need you slipping up on campus,” Preston said to me.

Technically, we were in the bedroom, and we were still in bed. I guess what he really meant to say was he wasn’t into it beyond his orgasm. “Sorry. I forgot.”

“That’s okay. I just want you to try to do better.”

“Yes, of course. I’m sorry. How about I cook? We have some sausage already defrosted. I keep a ton of veggies–” I said, but he cut me off before I could finish.

“Sure, sure, go do that. I’m going to jump in the shower.”

Preston didn’t say another word to me. He walked into the bathroom without sparing a backwards glance. This had been going on for weeks. I tried not to let it hurt my feelings too much, but it was hard not to let it get to me. I didn’t understand how he could run hot then cold so easily in such a short amount of time. Anytime I mentioned my feelings, he would say, “Hayes, you’re being overly sensitive.” I could admit that was true sometimes, but it was starting to feel like he didn’t want to be with me at all. I felt like an intrusion in the house and in his life.

Annie, my best friend since forever, warned me about dating an older guy, and she really hated that he was a professor in my department. She said it gave him too much power since I wasn’t a person prone to saying no to someone in charge. I didn’t think that was true at all. I stayed in a never-ending battle with my overbearing mother. It felt like all I did was tell her no and disappoint her, thus disproving her theory all together as far as I was concerned. Annie said it wasn’t the same thing. This was also the reason why I’d never told her about the whole ‘Daddy’ thing. She would not have understood. I’d found something I enjoyed, and that made me happy. Preston wasn’t perfect, but a person had to kiss a lot of frogs.

When I first introduced Preston to my kink interest and the whole Daddy-boy relationship in my too vague way, he went along with it. What did he care if I liked him being in charge, or that I liked calling him Daddy during sex? Honestly, the way I gave that man blow jobs, he would let me call him whatever I wanted. It didn’t bother him. It was the small, seemingly inconsequential digs at my independence that were wearing me down. He constantly acted as though I couldn’t do things because I wasn’t capable or smart enough. He didn’t act like my letting him take the lead was because I wanted to, but that I needed him to.

Nothing was less true.

At least I didn’t think it was in the beginning. Every time I felt put out enough to bring it up, he treated me like a whiny child, so I usually dropped it because I hated feeling that way. Instead, I researched the many healthy ways we could have a Daddy-boy relationship. My thought was that it could be a give and take situation. We could have some of the bossiness he wanted, tempered with the tenderness I needed. When he was taking care of me, being sweet, and supporting me, I’d do almost anything he wanted. But he wasn’t very interested in that side of the relationship. Either Preston had a lot to learn, or he simply wasn’t cut out for it. I wanted healthy and hot. More importantly, I deserved it. I had to remind myself of that frequently, but I knew it was true.

With graduation and exams coming up, it felt easier to wait until we were both less stressed to have that conversation again. Plus, he’d been holding the job with his dad’s design firm over my head for the better part of the spring semester. It was superior in every way, especially salary, to anything my friends were being offered, even the friends who had internships that would turn into jobs. Even though I hadn’t met his father yet or gotten any specifics on the job, I was trying to be patient. I wanted to stay in California. I wanted the three thousand plus miles between me and my mother and the status quo of South Carolina. So, I didn’t push. Preston said to wait, so I waited.

I grew up with a sheltered lifestyle, only going to the best private schools, mostly hanging around my mother’s society friends’ kids. I’d taken equestrian lessons at the Country Club, for goodness’ sake. If it wasn’t for the scholarship I was offered, I know there was no way my mother would have let me come all the way to California. Oh, she could afford the tuition for my college education, but a debt-free degree came with a marionette-number of strings attached. I was grateful daily that I had focused so hard on my studies in high school, and that I was a naturally good test taker.

As I went around the kitchen putting things together for our little impromptu at-home meal, I heard the water cut off. I put my prep into high gear. If I got things going, Preston could keep an eye on it while I grabbed my own shower.

“I thought I’d at least be smelling dinner by now. Hayes, Hayes, what am I going to do with you? How are you going to focus on a job with my dad’s firm if you can’t even focus on dinner?”