Chapter 14


Cory accepted my candy ring. How lucky am I?

Now, let’s be clear—the ring is temporary. Of course, I fully expect my boy to chomp it down unless he keeps it safe in its protective box, which wouldn’t be the worst idea. My favorite jeweler at a top-notch store on the Upper East Side is crafting his custom engagement band as we speak.

It has a diamond shaped like a palm tree. It’s the cutest.

I’m just glad Cory wants to be mine. Pledging your heart to a boy is always a risk—in many ways.

Damien, that fucker, accused me of raising my voice to him and being mean. There’s always the chance that Cory could wind up like him—but something tells me he won’t.

Life itself is one giant risk. If you never step up to the card table, how will you ever find happiness?

"You’re one precious boy." My mother coos and fuses over Cory.

Cory’s cute cheeks flush pink. "Thank you, Mrs. Leaf’s Mommy."

My mother tousles his hair. "I told my son his last boy was a mistake. He didn’t even want to meet me—talk about rude. I’m the most fabulous mother-in-law a boy could have. I never pry, I never favor my son—that’s what my mother-in-law did when I first met Leaf’s father, and let me tell you, that was a pain. Such a Mama’s boy. If you and my son ever get into a spat, I won’t put you down. You’re both equal in my eyes."

My father rolls his eyes. "You called my mother possessive—that’s why you two didn’t get along."

My mother scorches my father with a glare. "When you get married, you put your wife first. Not Mommy."

Cory and I share a look—it’s hard as hell not to burst into laughter.

I place my palm on his lower back. "Cory and I will be fine, Mom. Thanks for the lesson."

My father taps his foot on the ground. "There’s nothing wrong with being a Mama’s boy. I love my mother."

My mother turns to me. "This is why she and I had problems."

I drop to my knees and take Cory’s hand in mine. "I’m not a Mama’s boy, sweet one. Do I help out with her and Dad’s bills? Of course. I have the resources to do so."

"I love that about you." Cory sniffles as he rubs his eyes. "You’re so kind."

"However, I control my own life. Not my mother."

Mom crooks a brow. "If it were up to me, you would’ve gone to med school—or become a lawyer like your father. That’s how you know I don't run the show."

Cory can’t help but chuckle. "Daddy’s a very independent man. Like me."

My father grumbles to himself as he heads to the kitchen to grab us all coffee. "Leave them alone, dear. You’ll give them a migraine."

"Only you get migraines when I speak," my mother says with no small degree of faux sadness. "You should love hearing your wife talk about her feelings. Cruel, cruel man."

"Men," Cory drawls, winking at me.

"Men," I drawl back, rolling my eyes.

"More like wo-men," my father hits back, fumbling for the coffee. "God, can’t a man get any love around here?"

Cory elbows my ribcage. "Tell your father there’s plenty of man-loving going on in these parts."

My mother cackles out a laugh. "You’ll be loads of fun at Christmas, Cory."

My father groans to himself. "I should’ve remained a bachelor like I intended. I still haven’t been to Australia—that’s the price you pay for marriage. Goodbye, dreams of playing with koalas and kangaroos."