Keeping the hand that’s not stroking me behind my head, he buries his face back between my legs, taking my cock between his lips in one fell swoop.

One, two, three seconds—it doesn’t take long before my need rakes across my gut, stirring my arousal, bringing me to my crescendo.

When I come again, it demolishes the barrier between us and ushers us into a new plane of existence.

Christ—how can I go on without having Leaf as my full-time Daddy? It’s not fair that we’re only spending this weekend together.

I love my bank job, but at this moment, with his huge body on top of mine, and his greedy lips puckering around my throbbing, aching cock, all I want is for Leaf to make me his 24/7 Little.

No ifs, ands, or buts. I wonder if he feels the same.

Chapter 10


If there’s a boy in New York cuter than Cory, I’d like to meet him—to see if he’s really cuter than my angel, the light of my life and fire of my loins.

I highly doubt it. In less than a day, Cory has become the beginning and end of my existence. When the sun rises in the morning, I want to see Cory’s face smiling at me. When it sets, I pray I see Cory with a twinkle in his eyes, wishing me sweet dreams.

Our bath ended two hours ago. Who would’ve thought that Cory was the type to sleep after a good, hot cum?

He curled up on my chest while I ran more hot water, then fell straight into dreamland.

It was adorable—the way he snored, his damp hair fluttering on his forehead, his lithe body twisting on mine.

As I cupped his ass and hummed lullabies, I tried to think if Damien ever cuddled with me after sex. No—he didn’t. It was useless trying to recall if he did.

Cory usurps him in every way.

"Are we almost there, Daddy?" Cory turns his head up.

Right now, I’m taking Cory to a special venue on the Upper East Side. It’s called Little Land—it’s an all-inclusive adults-only playroom that specializes in age play and regression activities. It’s the only one of its kind, which makes it even more special. The fact that Cory’s never been there before means that today will forever be imprinted on his memory.

I can’t help but stare into his eyes. Wow. In the late-morning sunlight, Cory looks spectacular. I wish there was a way to describe how gorgeous he appears—his pastel-pink coveralls shine and glow, and the bead bracelet I fastened around his wrist jiggles and clacks.

A noose made of cotton candy twists around my heart. My God. I wish I’d met Cory earlier—how much time did I waste with boys who weren’t him? Boys who, because they weren’t as sweet, could never measure up to him, dare I say couldn’t even compare?

"Yes, boy." No one I’ve ever played with has held a candle to Cory’s flame. It's only the first day of our weekend together, but already I know how special he is. How happy he makes me.

Cory rocks back and forth. "I want to play."

Lo and behold, when I glance up—we’ve arrived.

An amused smile forms on my features. "You don't have to wait any longer."

Wrapping my arm around his waist, I lead him into the playroom. Cory gasps as he takes in the pastel walls, the cotton candy-colored speakers that pump out pop music, and the glitter mist that rains down upon us as we step inside.

His eyes comb over the shelves lined with stuffies, the steaming hot tub, the bead-painting station, and the fantastic dance floor in the back.

There’s even a stuffy pit—a swimming pool-sized tub packed with stuffed animals. How Cory hasn’t been to Little Land yet, I'll never know. He fits right in. I’m glad I’m the first to bring him here.

Cory can’t believe his eyes. "I’m in shock."

Connor, the sweet boy who oversees the playroom, welcomes us. "You two are in for a treat today. The playroom is fully booked this afternoon—but the guests don't arrive until four. You have at least four full uninterrupted hours to play."

Cory’s eyes shine with tears. "This is amazing."

"Are you happy, sweet boy?" Tiptoeing to his side, I tilt his chin up. Staring into his eyes as they reflect the playful, fun environment of Little Land is a transformative experience.