Did Damien ever lose himself in play like this? Did he even once? Or did he always hold back, refusing to dip his toes in, to be vulnerable?

Damien was never a Little—he was waiting until he could accuse you of being mean to him to guilt you into paying for his luxury bags. So glad you didn’t fall for that shit.

Cory ticks his gaze up. "Come play with me."

A fluttering sensation builds in my chest. Cory is adorable. There’s no other adjective that suits him.

Oh, how I want to drop to my knees, build block towers with him, and be his fun, happy Daddy.

"Rules first, boy. You must pick up your toys. Daddy won’t do it for you—it’s very rude of boys when they expect Daddy to do all the clean-up work. You must not talk back to me, either. If Daddy tells you it’s time to break for animal crackers and juice, you must listen to him. No defying your superiors."

His jaw drops. "I wouldn’t dream of it!"

We share a look. A moment of affection so pure and true wells up between us.

"May I call you Daddy?" He tugs at his onesie collar. "If it’s too soon, I understand."

I slide a block toward him. "Go for it, boy."

Cory and I lose ourselves in building block towers. At least three times, our hands brush together, like two lovers fumbling for popcorn at a movie.

Each time, his touch on my skin is an electric zap, one that makes me feel like the Daddy I once was.

He sucks his thumb—it’s so cute. It seems as if he’s hesitant to do this—I’m not sure why. I don't ask while he’s in his Little headspace. What matters is that Cory and I feel safe with each other.

We’re two lost souls finding one another. Leaving the world at the door. Allowing the possibility of love in.

Cory blushes when we finish playing. "That was wonderful, Daddy."

I wrap my left hand around his. "Thank you for a wonderful first day of our weekend."

Cory’s mouth hitches open, almost as if there’s something else to say. "Do you mind that I sucked my thumb?"

My brow furrows. "Why would I?"

"My ex was very particular about that. He hated it. Said it was too immature—told me I wouldn’t be able to meet his family unless I quit. They came from a long line of kinksters and he didn’t want them to judge him."

I shake my head. "Your ex sounds closed-minded. No, I don't mind."

He crawls toward me and rests his chin on my lap. "Feel safe with you."

I hold his hand. Just hold it. I don't do anything more, don't go in for a kiss, certainly don't proceed to sex.

At this moment, with Cory submitting to me in this incredibly special way, all that matters is that I show him he’s safe with me.

I feel safe with you, too, Cory. My last relationship was so toxic, but you lead me to believe real love has been out there all along—I just had to keep searching.

When I release my grip on his hand, I trail my index finger across his chin. "Tell me what you want for breakfast in the morning. Pancakes, waffles, or eggs."

Cory’s eyes flash with desire. "All the above, Daddy."

"And for dinner?" I can’t resist the urge to snort.

Cory presses his lips to my ears. "Big Cory knows he should say salmon and salad, but Little Cory wants chicken nuggets."

"There’s no need to be mature this weekend."

"That’s a relief."