“I will not make that promise. He is frustrating.” He was not a good example of a Daddy Dom, even though that seemed to be what he was.

More happy sounds escaped but Addison didn’t argue with me. “Two shows?”

Yep, Little.

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Pretending to be stern had him burying his head against my chest to hide his laughter… and his next yawn. “I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to have more rules here and make you go to bed on time.”

He jerked back, wide-eyed and doing his best to look very sweet and confused. “Oh, Daddy, who said that? Did you read that online? The naughty boys online can’t be trusted.”

I managed not to snort, but it was close.

“They can’t?” Giving his nose a quick kiss, I helped my naughty Little to stand up, his soft cock waving around distractingly as he started wiggling again. “I’ll have to remember that. But you’re right, we said that we do Daddy and Little time however we think is right.”

That was the best manipulation strategy I’d ever seen.

It was genuinely impressive.

“That’s right.” He bounced excitedly, nodding like it was the smartest thing he’d ever heard, and even gave me a cute cheek kiss. “You’re so smart, Daddy.”

And easily manipulated.

“Thank you, sunshine.” Kissing his forehead and doing my best to ignore his half-naked state, I fixed my pants as I stepped back and looked toward the bedroom. “Jammie time.”

Nearly bouncing as he dragged me through the house, he started rambling about the show and talking about the awkward dragon that was either entirely too young to be buying a house or a Little. I couldn’t tell which from the show… and that seemed suspicious to me.

I was betting one of the writers had a Little at home or was a Little. It was just too well done to be something accidental. Just the fact that none of it was clear told me it’d been done deliberately.

But if Addison knew, he wasn’t telling.

Every time I asked, he’d giggle and shrug like he had no idea what I was talking about.

“Sunshine ones, Daddy?” There was a subtle shift in his voice that told me he wasn’t trying very hard to pretend to be big anymore. “Sunshines on Daddy’s sunshine.”

Making himself giggle, he bounced and bopped his head to whatever music was playing in his imagination until we got to his dresser. He managed to stop the wiggles long enough to throw up his hands, clearly under the assumption it was my job to finish getting him undressed. “Ready, Daddy.”

Chuckling, I smiled. “Because you’re my good boy.”

He beamed, thoroughly loving the praise or just knowing he’d made me happy. “Lots of goods.”

Oh yes, it was Little time.

“All the goods.” Taking off his shirt before removing the remaining sock that’d somehow managed to stay on through the naked wiggles on my lap, I kissed his nose as I straightened. “And now my sunshine is ready for his sunshines.”

And underwear.

Picking out briefs that had ice cream cones over them even though he seemed to think they were grown-up underwear, I got him dressed without distracting either of us again. His cute pajamas didn’t take away from how sexy he was, but it made it easier to ignore all the places I wanted to touch and kiss. “All set. Teeth and potty, sunshine.”

That got another giggle out of him but he didn’t even seem to think about telling me he was too big to be told to go pee, so I knew I’d made the right call. But heading into the bathroom required more bouncing, this time like an actual bunny, and more humming the Daddy’s sunshine tune.

Eventually he got to the bathroom.

But getting out of the bathroom was another adventure because I had to time his teeth brushing, and by that point, he was dragging. “I… I think I need a glass of water?”

Since it came out more as a question than a whine, I didn’t let myself get talked into the one-more-thing game. I might not have been a Daddy before but I wasn’t an idiot. If he’d been cute and wanted to play, well, that would’ve been a different story, but Addison was exhausted.

He’d been working entirely too much, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. “Dragon house-hunting time. We’ll get water later. It’s not bedtime yet.”

That satisfied him entirely too easily.