Entitled—that’s what Daddy Thomas called me whenever I thought was "too big for my britches," i.e., wanting something other than the bare minimum.

I bury my head in Leaf’s chest. "Amazing."

"Try the sweet." Leaf plants a chaste kiss on my hair. "Tell me if you like it."

Unwrapping it, I place it on my tongue—then take a big, hungry bite. "I feel like the hungry caterpillar that ate all those pastries in that book."

Leaf shakes his head in amusement. "We can read that one later, if you like."

Leaf drops to his knees and points to the uppermost corner where the walls of the room intersect. "Look there, boy. Every inch of my flat contains cameras. They record our activity at all times, so you don't have to worry about anything scary happening this weekend. I installed them after Constantine assured me that the Little Bunny Club had cameras—it was a fabulous idea to help everyone feel safe."

I get the distinct feeling that something in Leaf’s past also led him to put these cameras up. They’re protecting him as much as me.

"They do help me feel safe. Thank you."

Leaf brushes his thumb across my cheek. "We’re going to have a lot of fun this weekend—but safely."

I love that. Melting a bit, I try not to swoon into his arms. Christ—it’s tough.

With Daddy Thomas, I felt constantly on-edge. Unable to let my guard down. Worried he was judging me.

With Leaf, everything is different. He protects my heart first and foremost—doesn’t trample over it.

I’ve never had a man respect me this much. It feels nice.

"Well, I don't know about you," I tease, "but I’m in the mood to play."

Leaf’s eyebrows lift. "Wonderful."

The servants rush to my side. They remove my clothes, treating me gently, asking me if I’m all right every step of the way, then help me into my onesie.

Holy. Crapola. This is how the other half lives.

These servants seem really excited to aid me—they’re not going through the motions like moody baristas at a coffee shop.

Leaf takes a step back to regard me, then pushes out a breath. "Wow."

My cheeks turn hot pink. "What?"

"You look wonderful."

I inch toward him and then stand on my tiptoes. "Let’s play now."

Chapter 5


My heart swells as I stare at Cory lost in play. How different he is than at the Little Bunny Club—how confident.

There, he didn’t even want to join the other Littles as they immersed themselves in imaginary universes. His shyness, his insecurity due to what his ex-Daddy put him through, prevented him from being brave.

Now? He plays like it’s his destiny.

Blocks spread across the floor, spilling onto every square inch of carpet. Abandoned towers and half-constructed castles languish in rays of afternoon sunlight.

My messy living room is what you get when you invite a Little over who’s overcome all reservations to be who he truly is.

Pride. That’s what wells up inside me.