Or whichever Daddy had just spanked him.

I still wasn’t sure about that part, but I was always some variation of Daddy no matter what we were doing… he’d even called me Daddy when our waitress had asked if he wanted dessert… but I usually didn’t have to guess what was going through his mind.

As long as he wasn’t working or surprised into shock, Addison word vomited everything that came to mind. Those seemed to be the only times he looked reserved and startlingly vanilla, but this time he was doing his best to be quiet as we cuddled and kissed. His delightful praise was the only clear indication he wasn’t at his most grown-up.

Telling me I’d done a good job and he knew I could do it were the sweetest responses to a spanking I could ever think to get… and that didn’t even begin to describe how much I’d loved his praise for my good aftercare. But none of it was completely grown-up.

So what did I do next?

Being the one in charge was surprisingly stressful sometimes.

I wasn’t sure how other Daddies did it all the time but I told myself that all I could do was my best. I just needed to think about Addison and what he said and what he usually wanted. Yes, I just had to focus on Addison and the clues he was giving off.



Didn’t even seem to realize he was half-naked.

Random giggles to himself.


Being a Daddy was difficult, so I put off making any decisions for a few more minutes as he relaxed even more and the yawns started getting closer together.

Deciding that I had to figure shit out, I worked through what I knew and what I thought I knew. As long as I wasn’t overthinking it, a lot of the pieces fell into place. He had not been at his biggest when he was sucking my cock. The pleasure he’d found in his spanking, along with finding something probably close to the subspace I’d seen talked about online had pushed him closer to his Little headspace.

He’d been delighted to get spanked and adorably proud of me for doing it. Yeah, that could’ve pushed Addison right into Little headspace. So what was the problem? He was definitely being sneaky about something.

Oh… could it be that simple?

I’d seen debates in several comment sections where there were strong feelings about what kind of fun was appropriate in Little space. Was this one of the things he’d meant when he kept saying we did Daddy and Little time however we thought was right?

Okay… now I had more questions.

Logic and kisses… we needed logic and more kisses because that would fix everything.

As I thought about the options, I kissed his head and snuggled him tighter as he made a happy giggle and yawned again, perfectly content to focus on aftercare cuddling as he’d called it.

Alright, he was an adult no matter if he was eating chicken nuggets in a princess dress or asking me my thoughts on him looking for a job when he got settled in at school. I’d seen that his Little side seemed to be a scale from play Barbie with me, Daddy, to look at my cute panties while I giggle.

If we were at the panties end of the scale, then either kind of cute jammies would work. He didn’t need any more food, so I didn’t have to worry about a snack, but some kind of stuffed animals might be appropriate as I tucked him into bed.

He’d worked nonstop for several days, either with his regular job or getting ready for college and the move and everything else that entailed, so an early bedtime wouldn’t be a bad thing. Maybe we’d watch some anime while he drifted off?

Addison had some fascinating logic about what constituted a kids’ show and I was going to use that to my advantage this time.

Yes, I had a plan.

Kissing his head, I shifted him around so he was curled up like a baby on my lap, giggling with bright eyes that said he was Littler than he wanted to admit. “Jammie time, sunshine.”

Deciding not to ask about his headspace at all, so there would be no chance of him being creative with the truth, I just focused on the plan. “Then we’re going to cuddle and watch the next episode of the Dragon show. I still haven’t seen if he actually gets a house yet.”

Snickering, because he’d already watched the season that was out three times, he buried his face against my chest. “I can’t tell. I promised.”

Shaking my head and trying not to smile, I played the grump since that was my role in this game. “That realtor is a butthead.”

That got more snickers from my silly boy. “No naughty words, Daddy.”