“So, Henry, how long have you been going to Cordes?” Jensen asked.

Chapter 11

My mind was all over the place. How was Jensen ever going to address this without making us look like psychotic stalkers? I elected to take the seat beside Henry since I assumed, which may have been the wrong choice, that Jensen would be doing most of the talking. After everything he threw at me tonight, he owed not only Henry answers, but me as well.

“I've been going for about five years now,” Henry replied.

“I've been a member for fifteen,” Jensen said, “and I don't remember ever seeing you there. Do you only go on Saturday nights?”

“Yes. The bookstore keeps me busy during the week and after seeing Dad on Saturdays, well, it takes its toll on me and Cordes is kind of my way to release the stress of it all,” Henry sighed and fidgeted with the straw wrapper.

“I completely understand,” Jensen said as the waitress returned with our drinks, momentarily pausing the conversation. We placed our orders and as soon as she walked away, Jensen continued. “I owe you both an explanation and I hope what I'm about to say doesn't scare you off, but it's something I feel strongly about and if we're not all on the same page, it won’t work.

“Mitchell,” he turned his gaze to me, “this isn't the way I wanted to share this with you and being your best friend for as long as I have been, I’d like to think that no matter where or when I told you how I felt that it would hopefully still be received the way I've dreamed of.”

“Um, okay?” What was he preparing me for?

Jensen drew in a deep breath and released it. “I'll just cut to the chase. Mitchell, I've been in love with you since the day we met freshman year of college.”

“Holy shit!” I blurted out without thinking. Jensen flashed me his signature cocky grin, the one that called attention to the dimple in his left cheek. That thought alone was another holy shit moment for me. Had I ever thought that of him before? Noticed his features? Or how blue his eyes were?

“Something was always missing, and it held me back from telling you, though I have hinted over the years. My insistence you move back here, while it was not only the right thing to do, my pushing your decision was three-quarters your mom and one-quarter pure selfishness on my behalf. I needed you near, you’d been gone far too long. Yes, I've had relationships off and on over the years but none of them have lasted because they weren't you. But I can’t deny, even with you in mind a piece was still missing to make this work. I believe that’s no longer the case and the person we need to complete us is sitting beside you.”

“Me?” Henry squeaked and pointed to himself.

“Yes, Henry, you. I'm a natural Daddy and I believe Mitchell is, too, and two Daddies together don't equate to a balanced relationship. I believe these two Daddies together with you being the right boy would complete the circle and we’d achieve the family dynamic the three of us seek,” Jensen concluded.

I was at a complete loss for words and had no earthly idea what to say. After all these years to find out my best friend was in love with me? I’d been walking through life with blinders on. Jensen has been the one always there for me, the constant in my life. I never thought anything of it. Shit, had I taken advantage of him? I’d like to think he’d call me out if I had. My best friend. That's all I’d ever thought of him as and now I needed to take a step back and reassess it from a different perspective. Could we transition from friends to lovers without risking what we already had? Was I even interested?

The answer immediately came to me—yes. Without a doubt, yes.

“Mitchell,” Jensen called my name, drawing me from my thoughts. “I know this is a lot all at once and I'm sorry to dump this on you as I have but it's important to me. You are important to me and as much as I would like to think the two of us could make a go of it, I don't think we'd be complete without Henry. I’ve analyzed this until I’m blue in the face and the three of us together feels right. What do you both think?”

“I'm-I’m not quite sure how this works,” I nervously stuttered. “You know I've never been in a real relationship but in hindsight, maybe there's a reason for that. I've had countless hookups, short-term repeats, but not even one stuck. And now you're presenting a scenario to me which sheds new light and perspective on all I’ve known. While I feel the same way about Henry as you seem to, the idea of him only being with one of us hits me like a punch to the gut.”

“Exactly,” Jensen replied. “Henry, none of this works without you. What are your thoughts and feelings on this? Are you even interested in us? Or only one of us? Not interested at all? Just want to play on occasion? Please, let us know, and there's no right or wrong answer. The only way this will succeed is if all three of us are in and we’re completely open and honest one hundred percent of the time with each other.”

“I'm kind of with Mitchell on this one and honestly overwhelmed. It is a lot to take in, but I won't deny the fact that I am interested in both of you and having to choose, I don't think I could. I, like Mitchell, have never been in a relationship. Most of the Daddies I played with only wanted play time or a hookup, so I've never really had anything tangible to balance my thoughts against. I can't deny the fact that it would be nice to have someone,” Henry stared down at his lap, “who wants Henry for their own.”

“My dear, sweet boy,” Jensen reached across the table, taking Henry’s hand in his, “nothing would make us happier than to call you ours and show you what it means to be loved.”

“All right, all right,” I said twice, ensuring myself what I was about to say was indeed correct. “How does this work?” I gestured between the three of us. “I don't even know how to begin. Do we go out on dates? Do we just jump in? I think I have too many questions to get through them all tonight.”

“I understand, it's a lot to take in. And I get it, if you both need time to think things through,” Jensen paused as our food came out. As soon as the server walked away, he continued, “Would it be too presumptuous to ask that we exchange phone numbers, maybe start a group chat as well?”

“That’s a good idea,” Henry agreed, “but just to be clear, I am interested in dating both of you if you’re really interested in dating me.” That poor, insecure boy. The desire to take away all his worries and show him what it felt to be loved nearly bowled me over.

“I'm sorry if I wasn't clear before, Henry, this has just been a lot for me to absorb and process, and not in a bad way so don't think that. But yes, I'm very interested in you and I think my best friend and I have a lot to talk about. I'm not willing to lose that friendship and I'm not willing to potentially lose you either.”

This was my first venture into being a Daddy, and Jensen and I were sliding into a dual Daddies role. It was good that I knew up front that Henry was a Little. Every second of the night had been new to me from the club to the kinks, to my best friend professing his love to me, to the adorable man sitting beside me. I wanted to wrap Henry in bubble wrap and keep him safe from the cold, cruel world. I guessed Jensen was right—I was a natural Daddy. All it took to bring it to the surface was the right boy to trigger it. As best friends, Jensen and I were cohesive. As a couple, two Daddies would more than likely fail. While I considered myself vers I preferred to top, I knew Jensen was a strict top. With these facts running through my mind, it was coming together like a mathematical equation. How Jensen always took care of me, ha-ha, we were already in a relationship and didn’t know it. At least, I didn’t. With Henry beside me, it was like the virtual puzzle of my life was clicking together and Henry was the missing piece. All those years Jensen was right in front of me, and I looked through him like a piece of glass, but the object on the other side was finally coming into focus.

Jensen was the one constant in my life, the light in the dark, the one I turned to in times of need, and the one who was there without being asked. Jesus, how blind I’d been.

“What's that headshake all about?” Jensen asked.

“Just getting mentally slapped across the brain with years’ worth of thoughts, feelings, memories—however you slice it. Let's just say that there's a lot of shit sliding into place and forming the picture you just verbalized,” I admitted.

“Good? Bad?” Jensen questioned.