Jensen took a couple minutes to reply. Was it possible this bothered him, too? Was he interested in Henry also? God, what would that do to our friendship? Going after the same guy. “Well,” he began, “there's nothing we can do to stop him. The only problem that I foresee, and maybe it’s not a problem, at least, not for me, is that we’re both interested in the same guy.

“Fuck, nobody's worth ruining our friendship over so how could that not become a problem?” Nothing good could come of this.

“Agreed. But what if,” Jensen nervously chewed his bottom lip. “And please, just hear me out. What if Henry’s interested in both of us?” He left that open-ended what if hanging in the air, as if dangling the proverbial carrot.

“How would that even work? What do you mean? Like a dueling battle to the death? See who he likes most? That’ll kill a friendship I’m not willing to lose.” I shook my head. “I’m not fighting my best friend over another human. Yeah, I'm interested in Henry, and I can't deny the draw, but I'm not gonna lose you over this.”

“What if I told you that you wouldn’t have to?” Jensen asked.

“I don't understand. I don’t see how that’s not possible.”

“I’m not sure this is the right time or place for this conversation. Lord knows there's definitely not enough time right now for the conversation we need to have, which is long past due, but what if I told you I believe the three of us would work well together?” Jensen offered.

I shifted in my seat to face him so fast my sunglasses nearly flew off, “Umm, what?”

His demeanor saddened, something I didn't like seeing from Jensen. “It’s nothing. Ignore me. Forget I said anything.” He pulled in, parked, and exited the car.

Well, that wasn’t happening. But what was he getting at? I could venture a guess but that would likely lead down the wrong path only to have him pull me back and say whoa, buddy, you are way off base and by then I’d have made a fool of myself. What was I missing? What was he hinting at? There’s no way in hell he thought for a second I’d drop it. Fuck no, this would eat me alive until he came clean.

Jensen and I checked in at the front desk, they asked for my ID and scanned my driver’s license into a machine that probably told them everything about my boring ass life—including what kind of cereal I had for breakfast. “Is there any paperwork I need to fill out?” I asked her and assumed she’d hand me a three-ring binder based upon the security measures they had in place. Cameras inside and out and a couple of hefty men manning the doors. These guys had to be related to the Hulk or intravenously fed steroids during their breaks.

“No, sir, as a visitor you submitted what we required for your first visit online. If you were to decide to become a member, we’d email you the packet to fill out then. Gentlemen, if you’ll please hand me your phones.” I side-eyed Jensen, calling him out would likely result in our butts hitting the curb as we handed over our phones and received a claim check in return.

“Thank you,” I replied, and left it at that.

Jensen opened one of the double doors that led from the lobby to the inside of the club, and I followed behind him. “What was that all about?” I asked as soon as the door closed.

“As far as the phones go, standard policy at any lifestyle club. As far as the paperwork, not only have I been your best friend for twenty years, but I also know most everything about you. Plus, if you recall, I helped you fill out the paperwork for your mom,” Jensen replied.

I’d pretty much answered his rapid-fire questions while we filled out the bible-sized stack of papers the memory care center required, beyond thankful for his support when I could barely string together two words. “You mean you know everything about me like you’re some sort of stalker or something?” I teased.

Jensen leaned in and his breath ghosted across my neck as he spoke. I swear every hair on my body stood on end. Why was he affecting me this way after all these years? “There’s a reason why I mentioned Henry being with both of us. This isn't the way I ever wanted to tell you but…” He paused, and both our heads turned in the same direction as a familiar body walked down the hallway. If I wasn't mistaken, it was dressed in a onesie with unicorn slippers carrying a matching stuffie.

“Is that…?” I asked Jensen and pointed toward the hallway where he’d disappeared.

“Let's go see.” Jensen placed his hand at the small of my back and led me in the same direction. Since he was the one that was familiar and I was the newbie, a turtle without its shell, I happily let him take the reins.

Chapter 9

Subtlety was not my middle name, but I’d reached the point that my feelings could no longer be contained. I’d waited far too long to tell Mitchell how I felt and was afraid I’d blurt it out in the bathroom while sitting in the stall next to him. How well would that go over? Hey, by the way, I love you. I've been in love with you since freshman year of college. I’m sure he’d be like, um, thanks. Gonna flush now, and bolt out of the bathroom still fixing his pants and never look back. I’d thrown dozens of hints out between saying you know Henry this and what if Henry wanted us and left it open-ended hoping he’d take the bait. The time had come to have the talk and it wasn’t happening in the restroom.

But what if neither of them wanted me? What if they were only interested in each other? Fuck, then I'd lose my best friend because it would absolutely crush me to see them together. I had a feeling they’d be happy, which was great, but I also thought I’d complete the trio and we’d thrive as a triad. I was a Daddy by nature, and while I'd never found my boy, or in this case boys, I had experience with that and enjoyed every moment. Though none of the boys were long-term, I'd played with all types and for the most part our time together ended amicably.

It was hard to explain how bone deep I felt this and after only two brief meetings with Henry. I didn't want to come on too strong and scare him or Mitchell off. The vision in my head of the three of us had become a constant since we first met Henry. Now, I needed to find the right words to explain this to them. Maybe the only way would be to show them I was the perfect man, the only man, to be their Daddy.

“I know you're anxious to follow that rabbit down the hole but I’d like to give you a tour first so you can see the place and what it has to offer. We can end it where I believe your prize, well, hopefully our prize awaits us,” I said, hoping he’d take the bait.

Mitchell stared blankly at me and nodded. I didn't think he was sold on my plan or else I’d confused the hell out of him, either way he trusted me enough to follow my lead. I was positive we’d find Henry in the Littles’ playroom. Once we found him, there’d be nothing else on our minds.

“Come on, follow me.” It was still early, as the club had barely opened thirty minutes ago and usually didn’t start hopping until nearly ten p.m. I pointed out the themed rooms as we passed and the various kinks that took place in them. “The only kinks that aren't approved to take place here are scat play and water sports.”

“Scat play? Water sports?”

“I think they’re self-explanatory, though I’d recommend using Google for any details you may require,” I suggested. “Though I think you get the gist of both.” He groaned. “Again, no kink shaming.”

“I’m not, I just struggle with the bio clean up they’d require,” Mitchell replied.

“Now you understand why some clubs disallow both kinks. Many rules and regulations must be followed for their doors to remain open,” I further explained. “The rooms in this corridor are mostly for voyeurs, exhibitionists, swingers, and others who like to share. There are a handful of singles that belong to the club and trust me when I say they're fully vetted. We don't allow those who aren’t active in the community and are nothing more than creepers. That shows zero respect for those who’ve agreed to play with you. There are contracts put in place and there are rooms for one-on-ones that don’t care to be watched. You’ll see some solo patrons taking care of their needs while watching the others. There is a variety of sexual acts taking place at any given time. Swings, harnesses, beds, as you can see.” We passed a couple of room configurations as we wandered down the hall nearing the playrooms. “Over here are the dungeons. Every Dom and Mistress employed here have undergone extensive training not only in the fine art of BDSM, but with aftercare as well which, in my opinion is one the most important aspects of it.” Mitchell nodded, so I continued.