“We have a winner, folks!” he teased. “Keep reading.”

The club catered to every kink I'd ever heard of and a million more that I hadn't—bondage, Shibari, dungeons, so many things I had only heard of in passing and so many more I'd have to Google to even figure out what they were. A den of floggers? Theme nights? There were actual nights where their customers—clients? Not sure what they considered their members—could come in and enjoy a gangbang or have every hole penetrated at once while a crowd watched. As much as I wanted to deny that didn’t pique my curiosity, I couldn't. The fact my dick was joining in made it impossible to.

“Any questions so far?” Jensen asked, side-eyeing me.

“Daddies and Littles?” I read the words aloud.

“Ah, yes. While I've not had a Little of my own, I have been a Daddy and enjoy watching them play. Can't deny having an interest in it,” Jensen easily admitted as though we were picking out ice cream.

“What the fuck?”

“Hey, just because it's not your kink, don't knock it for somebody else. To each his own and as long as it's between consenting adults, there's no problem. Casting judgment, that's where I draw the line and it’s completely beneath you,” Jensen scolded.

“Sorry. I'm no kink shamer and I apologize. Thank you for telling me something personal I didn't know about you and in all honesty, I've actually felt the need to have someone in my life to take care of, though I never considered it in an ageplay setting.” My mind wandered as I pondered the potential. Would I have to change their diaper? I wasn’t sure I’d be up for that.

“There's a lot more to the BDSM realm than the standard Doms and Mistresses most are familiar with,” Jensen said.

“Yeah, sounds like it.” What didn’t I know and how much of that was I willing to dive into?

“Littles are another Daddy/boy or Daddy/girl aspect of the Dom role. Each relationship is built on trust, mutual respect, and care. Honestly, think of it as role-playing except for some they want to live the lifestyle full-time and others occasionally. For some it’s a form of therapy if you will, the way to put their troubles and hectic lives behind them. A way to relax and unwind and the freedom to be themselves. They trust and rely on the Daddies to take care of them and make sure nothing happens. Some Daddies prefer to take care of everything—paying the bills, feeding them, doing the laundry, and so forth. While that works for them it’s not necessarily what I’ve had in mind—having a full-time Little. I haven’t tried, I’ve mostly stuck to playtime with others, but would that be a deal breaker for me?” Jensen paused momentarily, “No, I don't think so. For the right person I’d be flexible.”

I shook my head. “I’m so confused.”

He laughed. “I’d be surprised if you weren’t. Get something to eat, shower, dress in something business casual and I'll pick you up at eight-thirty.”

“Huh? Where are we going?” It wasn’t like Jensen making spur of the moment plans for us and we’d had a long day.

“You'll see.”

Well, that was ominous. I got out of the car and as soon as I reached the door it hit me—was that Jensen in Daddy mode? If so, maybe he’d been that way as long as I’d known him and hadn’t realized it. He had always taken care of me, though not in the traditional sense.

Kinda hot.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Eight-thirty on the dot and Jensen was outside honking his horn. With one last look in the mirror, I deemed myself acceptable. I grabbed my wallet and keys, locked the door and jogged down the stairs to the impatient man’s car.

“What took you so long? I've been sitting out here for ten minutes,” Jensen complained, though there was no heat to it.

“You have? Why didn't you call? I was getting ready,” I explained.

Jensen rolled his eyes. “All right, boy, let's go.”

“Yes, Daddy,” I teased. “Wait, did you just shiver?”

“Maybe,” he squeaked out and quickly cleared his throat. “Tonight, you must conduct yourself not as a kid in a candy shop because trust me, you're gonna see a lot of flavors you haven't come across before that will likely make your dick perk up. I'm just warning you, keep it together.”

“I’m just warning you,” I mocked like I was three. “Where are you taking me?”

“Well, this is your lucky day. See, I'm a member at Cordes and one of the many perks is I get to bring a guest twice a year. Guess who gets to be my guest tonight?”

“The same Cordes Henry mentioned?” Of course that was my first thought. I was nervous about going to the club having never been around the scene but if Henry was there, I’d brave it. Though I hoped I’d handle it maturely if he was doing a scene with somebody else.

“What's that look on your face for?” Jensen asked, I swear that man missed nothing when it came to me.

I shrugged. “Just me being stupid, I guess.” I turned to look out the window as errant thoughts of another person touching Henry filled my head.

“About?” Jensen asked. I should’ve known he wouldn’t leave it alone and resigned to the fact he’d poke the bear until he got what he wanted. “What if, what if Henry’s involved in some…act with another person and we see him?”