“My, uh,” sheepishly, he glanced downward and pointed toward the door next to Dad's right as Jensen exited.

“Henry?” Jensen questioned. “What are you doing here?”

“My dad's in this room,” I nodded toward the door beside me.

“Oh, sorry,” Jensen apologized.

“Thank you.” What more could you say in situations such as this? Nothing.

Jensen flashed Mitchell a sad smile. “My mom is, um…my mom just moved into the room next door,” Mitchell said. I understood his initial reluctance, it wasn’t something that was easy to accept or come to terms with.

“I'm sorry. If it's any consolation, my dad has been here for two years and the staff are fantastic. While I'm not one to peddle therapy to anybody, I will let you know that they've helped me tremendously. So, if you're considering talking to any of the therapists on staff, well, they mean it when they say they're there for you.” I hoped my words sank in, it might take some time as I was sure his head was spinning in a million directions.

“Thank you, Henry. I'll take that into consideration,” Mitchell solemnly replied.

“Do you guys need help moving anything in?” I asked, even though what I really wanted to do was put on my onesie and crawl into Little space. I definitely needed a night away from dealing with grown-up Henry’s adulting problems.

“No, thanks. That was the last of it,” Jensen said. “Sorry for all the banging. We were trying to get her pictures hung so it felt more like home.”

“That really helps. Many times, I’ve found my dad staring at my parents’ wedding picture and wonder if he remembers her or was he just wondering who that pretty lady in the picture was?” I shrugged, uncertain if I was projecting my own thoughts and wishes in his direction by trying to fill the void I felt.

Unexpectedly, Jensen pulled me into his arms along with Mitchell. The three of us stood in the middle of the hall in an embrace. It felt good to be held. Especially by those who understood what was going on. How long had it been since that had happened? Probably forever. None of my Daddies or hookups ever stayed over, or should I say I never stayed over at their places. Bringing someone back to my house wasn’t an option. The thought of them in my childhood bedroom which I still lived in was too weird.

“Would you like to have dinner with us, Henry?” Jensen asked as we pulled apart. It appeared he was the one who spoke for the couple.

“Maybe another time. I think a night out at Cordes is what I need.” I slapped a hand over my mouth, utterly stunned that I shared that with them. I hadn’t told another living soul that I went there or that I was into ageplay. Not that I had any friends to tell either way.

Mitchell curiously cocked his head but said nothing. That was my cue to make a hasty retreat. “I'm usually here on Saturday and Sunday afternoons. It's after visiting hours when the shop closes during the week and on the weekend, I have help so I scurry out a bit early and come here. Maybe if I run into you both again, I could take you up on that dinner offer?” I hoped it still stood. I’d hate to find out I’d missed the only opportunity.

“I'd like that,” Mitchell replied.

“As would I,” added Jensen.

I said goodbye to the caregivers sitting at their stations as I walked past and made a mental note to bring them treats tomorrow. I really did appreciate all they did for Dad and really all of the patients who crossed their paths. Their caregiving knew no bounds and without them those of us living with loved ones suffering from these diseases would be lost.

At home, I fixed a quick sandwich and ate before feeding Magpie, then sat scratching her between the ears to decompress. There was something so soothing as I ran my hands through her fur. Many a night I fell asleep doing just that with Magpie on the pillow beside me. She had her own bed atop mine, but she preferred my pillows, so much so that most mornings I woke up with her on my head. Silly kitty. While a load of laundry ran, I took a shower and packed my bag to go to Cordes. At least I had the forethought to call ahead and reserve a changing room.

Once inside the club room, I pulled my onesie from my bag and held it tightly to my chest like a lifeline as I drew in a few deep, soothing breaths and then slid into it and secured the snaps around my pull-up. I rarely went potty inside them and preferred them to diapers, but when I did it was because I’d lost track of time, submersed in playing with fellow Littles. Pleased with my outfit, I grabbed my favorite binky, popped it in my mouth and down the hall I went to the playroom.

The room wasn't busy considering Cordes had barely opened. Once inside, I beelined it straight to my favorite spot—the floor mat with the cityscape and the bucket of cars. Building blocks had been stacked in the center and I’d decided to use them to create buildings and crash my cars into them. Boom! They’d go down. I was in a crash up derby kind of mood tonight for sure, I lined up the blocks and the cars at the starting gate. Vroom, vroom, they took off racing down the path, winding around the corner. Tires screeched as they nearly wrecked. “Oh no, that's not good,” I said aloud as they narrowly escaped.

“Is it okay if I play with you?” I glanced up and there stood Jamie, one of my friends I’d played with before.

“I'd like that.” I pushed the bucket of cars toward him so he could pick out the ones he wanted and together we smashed and crashed like crazy. We had so much fun but far too soon, his Daddy collected him so he could go eat some chicken nuggies.

Sigh, maybe someday…

Chapter 8

As soon as Henry was out of view, I pulled my phone out and googled Cords. Nothing but ropes and uses for them came up, and a massive number of pages at that.

“What are you doing?” Jensen asked me, peeking at my phone. “You spelled it wrong.”

“Huh? How do you…?” He smirked before I could finish the question.

“Spell it right, C.O.R.D.E.S,” he enunciated, “then click on the link and view the tabs. Do your research then ask me all the questions I know you’ll have. We can play a game of twenty-thousand questions while I drive you home,” the smartass said.

“This is a BDSM club?” I stared at my friend I thought I knew and clearly didn’t.