“What are you doing, sunshine?” Daddy’s hands braced my shoulders making sure I didn’t fall off the couch. “You don’t look steady.”

I wasn’t.

“I’m just going to the floor. I’ll be okay. I can’t fall off that.” But I was going to fall if I wasn’t careful because I’d wiggled my pants into making me stuck. “One second.”

He was being very patient and only snickered a few times as I shoved my pants off. “Now I won’t die.”

That would not reward his hard work.

Daddy was still fighting off giggles as I finally got down safely but his eyes went wide when I finally got between his legs and pulled off the towel. “Sunshine?”

Spanking me sucked out both our brains.

Telling myself to remember that next time, I nodded and stayed focused on my task so I didn’t get distracted… or so wiggly I distracted Daddy. “Upsies.”

He was so smart he lifted his bottom so I could pull his pants down enough to free his cock. “Good Daddy. You do such a good job.”

Stroking his cock that was long and thick and was going to fuck me so good once Daddy decided we’d do that too, I tried to remember good communication and lots of praise. “You spanked me so good and you were so smart you knew just how to do it right.”

He’d said it would be his first time spanking a sub and that was just wonderful. I was Daddy’s first. But he was very well behaved and hadn’t made it weird at all.

“You did so good, Daddy. Good and confident. Yes.” I might’ve said some of that already but words were still trying to escape and were so hard to catch.

So I decided it was time to give my mouth something else to do and I’d work on better praise later.

Daddy didn’t seem to mind.

As my lips wrapped around him, he moaned and his whole body tensed like he just wanted to fuck my throat. He didn’t though. He was a very good Daddy and let me play with my new toy, licking and sucking and humming.

He was a good communicator too because he made sure to moan louder and even mutter curses when I did something he liked.

And Daddy really liked it when I licked under the head of his cock and fucked his slit with my tongue. “Fuck. Sunshine. Baby, your mouth. You’re…”

His words were escaping too, so I didn’t mind when his voice trailed off. I just worked on making him feel even better and I got my reward for being such a good boy when his cock started to throb. “I’m going to… fuck…”

Swallowing his cum as it fired out from his dick like the water gun I had in my playroom, I kept sucking him and humming until it was his turn to go boneless and he petted my head. “Come here, sunshine. Let me hold you.”

I released his cock and gave the cute softening dick one last peck before putting it away as I climbed up in his lap. “You did so good, Daddy. I’m very proud of you.”

And I was even prouder when I wiggled on his lap and felt my bottom ache. It was so nice I moaned and made Daddy laugh. “You’re the best boy ever, sunshine. But part of me thinks I need to ask if you’re my Little sunshine or my grown-up one.”


“I’m not in my princess dress, Daddy.” That wasn’t a lie.

Some Daddies didn’t like playing grown-up games unless their sub was very grown-up, so I decided a distraction was in order. “If I was your Little sunshine, I’d be asking for cookies.”

Daddy’s chest jerked but he didn’t laugh. He just kissed my head and snuggled me tight. “You’re right. But maybe you wouldn’t mind if I helped you find fun jammies later and tucked you in before I left?”

“No, Daddy. I like making you happy.” And if taking care of me made him happy, well, I wasn’t going to argue about that.

Chapter 8


* * *

Even by the time Addison had gotten his second wind, I couldn’t decide exactly how grown-up he was. Yes, we’d done very grown-up things but he was happy and so excited to have been spanked that I just wasn’t sure if I was supposed to be Daddy-Daddy or boyfriend-Daddy.