Curiosity piqued, he looked from me to his friend who asked him, “Wanna give it a try?” He must be here alone.” The man then asked me, “What’s your name, boy?”

“Henry,” I murmured, balancing between the Little headspace I so desperately sought after the rough work week I had and grown-up Henry. I never played under a pseudo name, just my own. It was fitting for both sides of my personality.

“Hello, Henry, I’m David. I don’t know how to be a Daddy, but if you show me, I’ll try,” he introduced himself. The urge to curl up on his lap and play with his hair as I napped was overwhelming. But I was here to play, not sleep.

“’Kay,” I replied as I took his hand in mine. “Let’s go play cars,” I suggested as I led him inside the playroom.

Cartoons played on a flatscreen TV mounted to the wall, a couple other Littles were parked in front of it watching them. But I wanted to play cars, I loved zooming them around the cityscape rug. It was ginormous compared to the tiny one I had at home. I dumped over the bucket of cars and cheered, “Yay!” I was far too excited having a Daddy to play with. Too many nights I spent here alone, Daddies pairing off with their Littles or new ones. Every once in a while, a Daddy would meander over to me, though it seemed most had their eyes set on the young ones. Being in my thirties, I was ancient in their world and that wasn’t what these Daddies wanted. “It’s gonna be so much fun having someone to play with,” I said aloud and instantly regretted it. He wasn’t there to hear my lonely sob story.

“Do you always play alone, Henry?” David asked me.

“Sometimes. I don’t have a Daddy of my own,” I admitted. His face laced with pity and I wasn’t having that.

“Henry, why don’t you show me what to do?” David said.

Mentally I tugged up my Little pants, determined to enjoy whatever time he’d give me. “Silly Daddy. You go zoom-zoom like this,” I picked up a bright red car. “Vroom, vroom,” I made car noises and drove along the roads outlined on the rug. I parked beside a building and grabbed another and did the same with it. Even cars liked to have friends nearby to play with. “Like that, Daddy. Your turn.” Without hesitation, he drove past and parked vehicles in the center, where it was brown like dirt. I giggled as he made car noises, he glanced up at me and grinned and kept doing it. Several others showed up to play with us, but I wanted temporary Daddy all to myself. “Daddy,” I said, sitting on his lap. “I thirsty.”

He glanced at the mini fridge in the corner where the juice boxes were kept. “Okay, Henry, what would you like to drink?”

“Juice box, peese,” I said, and he kissed my cheek. Every inch of my body heated from the press of his lips and my twinkle twitched. Hehe, that’s what I called my special part when in Little space. I sighed and slid off his lap and played with the others for a few minutes while he grabbed it.

“Here you go, Henry,” David said, handing me an apple-flavored drink box.

“Silly Daddy, you forgot to do the straw,” I shook my head and handed it back. I wanted the full Daddy experience tonight, though I knew it wouldn’t end with rubbies. Asking for them may have scared him away.

“Oh, my bad,” David apologized as he slid the tiny straw from the wrapper and poked it through the hole. “All good now.”

“Mmm, tank ew, Daddy,” I said after taking a big drink.

David mussed my hair, “You’re welcome, Henry.”

“Here, Daddy, all gone.” I handed back the empty juice box.

“What do you want to do next, Henry?” he asked.

“Potty, Daddy.” I drank that far too fast and was doing the pee-pee dance.

“Um, what?” Fear flashed across his face. “Are you potty trained, Henry?”

“Yes, but I too Little to go by myself. Daddy has to come with me,” I grabbed his hand and led him toward the bathroom. “You stay here, Daddy. I be right back. Don’t move.”

“I won’t, Henry,” he promised.

I tugged and tugged, but the stupid snaps wouldn’t work. “Daddy!”

David ran inside, scanning the room for threats. “Are you okay?”

“Can’t get snaps,” I pulled on the flap to my favorite onesie.

“Oh, um, I’ll try?” he said. Gingerly, he pulled the flap down enough so it wasn’t touching skin. He was nervous, though I didn’t know why. I was the one who called him to help. Finally, he got it, and I skipped past him and out the door to the play area. I played with the others for a while longer while temporary Daddy stood off to the side watching. Was he enjoying this? Playing with me? Or was this all too much for him?

Either way, I’d had enough for one night. It was time to return to my lonely apartment. “Daddy, I seepy. Time to go nite-nite.”

“Okay, Henry. What do you need me to do?” David asked.

“Henry change and go home. Daddy walk Henry to the room?” I asked.

“Sure, lead the way,” he said. I reached up and took his hand. He told his friend he’d be right back when we passed him in the hallway.