“That’s right, Daddy. Because who takes care of you? Who gives you everything you need?”

“You do.” James thrust into his hand. “Oh, Elio…”

“Hands against the car.”

James was getting louder, putting his trust in Elio just as he should, and letting his responsibilities and the awareness of their surroundings slip away. Elio kissed him, swallowing up every precious moan with his mouth.

Elio was breathing hard himself as he broke the kiss to whisper in James’s ear. “I have plans for you tonight, Daddy. We’ll be taking a little drive. But not before I put a nice, fat plug in your ass. You’re going to feel it on every bump up that gravel road. Maybe I’ll even make you pull down your pants so I can see what a dirty slut you are. We’ll have to hope no one looks in the windows.”

James moaned, panting helplessly, his arms slack at his sides. Elio could already imagine all of that pale skin glistening and throbbing in the moonlight, but not allowing Daddy to touch.

Oh, he had thousands of plans for his man. A lifetime wouldn’t be enough for all of them.

But right now, there were footsteps and excited chatter coming toward them.

Elio calmly slid his hand out of James’s shorts and untucked his shirt, while James just looked down at him, wide eyed and confused, until his brain caught up and he glanced hurriedly around.

Elio ended with a condescending little pat, just to drive the point home. Everything about his Daddy—his hopes and fears, hopefully his future, and definitely his cock—Elio owned.

James gave a helpless whimper, followed by a grateful smile.

“Why don’t you start unpacking the trunk,” Elio suggested. Then he turned toward the oncoming horde. Well, a horde of three. “Hey guys, what’s up?”

“We need paper.” Mikey was already diving into the backseat after his backpack. Josie and Lila peered in behind him.

“What’s it for?” Elio asked.

“We need signs,” Lila explained. “For the water.”

Obviously. “Ask Galaxy before you use their markers,” Elio reminded them.

The three of them darted away as quickly as they’d come.

They definitely weren’t going to get any real privacy until much later this evening. But until then, it would be fun to tease.

He found plenty of opportunity to get his hands all over his Daddy as they set up camp, which James had become a pro at this summer.

The smoke of a campfire was just starting to drift to their nostrils as they finished placing the last few items. They drifted down to the joyful chaos that was a De Luca family gathering and got swept into the fray. Elio ended up on grill duty, and James was reading a mermaid book to Elio’s two-year-old nephew, Austin.

With a lot of noise and laughter, they got everyone fed, and eventually Elio made it back to James’s side next to the campfire. The children were collectively covered in mud and s’mores, but James had loosened up about a lot of things like that. The kids could take showers when they went home.

There were already two other guitars out, so Elio didn’t bother with his, nestling his head against James’s shoulder while he sang along when he knew the words or harmonizing when he didn’t.

In between verses, James turned toward him, speaking softly against his ear. “Our anniversary is in two weeks.”

Elio grinned. He’d known that, but he wasn’t sure if James had. “I know. Do you want to do something special?”

“I was thinking, uh… If it’s not too soon… Hang on, you have to promise that you won’t tell Galaxy I asked you first.”

Oh! Well, this was intriguing. Elio didn’t even know what to imagine at this point. But probably not the evening of kinky debauchery he’d been envisioning if Galaxy was in on it.

James gripped his hand tighter. “I was wondering if… you’d like to move in with us.”

Elio’s heart swooped. “James, I would love that! Are you sure? I mean… the kids, and… Oh God, yes.” He was still whispering, and he sounded like an imbecile. He just hadn’t seen that coming at all. His grad student housing ended in three weeks, and he’d even discussed apartment locations with James. He had a bank check ready to put down a deposit.

James smiled. “Are you sure? I know it’s fast. I just… I miss you when you’re not with us. The kids miss you. You’re… you’re part of our family. I’ve been stressing all month about you signing that lease.”

Elio laughed. “I’ll cancel everything today. Well, tomorrow.” He felt absolutely giddy. He wanted to announce it to the world. He leaned in, closer to James’s ear. “So, does this mean you love me?”