They still had one more night together. And probably one more midday adventure. Or hell, maybe two. They couldn’t seem to keep their hands off each other.

Just thinking about it had his dick—which should have been exhausted at this point—chubbing up again.

He’d had more sex in the past four days than he might have had his entire twenty-year marriage. There wasn’t a single part of his body that hadn’t been bruised or teased or pinched or bitten. Hell, he’d had to start wearing a t-shirt when he swam because of all the marks.

It turned out that he was a fan of biting. And nipple clamps. And apparently any tree branch or pinecone or rock that Elio’s inventive mind thought ought to be applied to his skin.

And the kissing… damn, the kissing. Elio couldn’t seem to pass a single tree without pinning him to it and ravishing his mouth. James wasn’t so bold. But if the kids weren’t around, he’d learned how to kind of tilt his head and give Elio this look that earned him a kiss every time.

There was this light that Elio would get in his eyes whenever James did it. This hazy, goofy look that James always felt was just for him. Like he was cute or something. Special.

A middle-aged doctor with no hobbies and an exercise routine that consisted of trimming the hedges and taking his kids to the playground.

There was no way he could be that special. But Elio made him feel that way every time. Adored. Treasured.

It was probably because Elio was a very good Dom. Elio had even warned him about sub frenzy—how new subs were likely to seek out submission even when it wasn’t good for them, and mix up submission with attraction or the makings of a good relationship.

Was he doing that? Because he felt like he could just live in Elio. He would follow him around, devoted to his personal sun god, who made everything shine.

It was ridiculous. Elio was sixteen years his junior and lived two hours away. It was a fling. It had been fun. James had learned a lot of things about himself.

It was just that, just…

James shoveled another bite of pasta into his mouth. Damn, that man could cook. And he was so easy to be around.

Elio was playfully arguing right now with his sister about which ice cream shop was superior, heaping on increasingly ridiculous attributes, like the best scooping method and the cutest spoon holders. Ava was holding her own, lobbying for maximum topping choices.

“What’s your favorite ice cream place, Juniper?” Elio asked.

That was Dana’s name today. Juniper. Ocean had lasted for two days, with a brief break for Kai. James truly couldn’t keep up, but Elio and his siblings did it without missing a beat.

Would it be weird to contact Elio after this for help with all of this… name and possibly gender business? He couldn’t decide if the names or the they/them pronouns were harder, though he really should get on top of the gender-neutral pronoun thing.

It didn’t help that she still looked like his little girl, poised on teenager-hood, with her painted nails, endless necklaces, and short-shorts.

James felt like his head was spinning.

“Can it be sorbet?” Dana, aaaaahhhhh, Juniper, asked.


“There’s this place called Gillian’s near our house. I mean, my mom’s house.” She, dammit, they, looked up at James, like they weren’t sure if they were allowed to say that.

“You can like things that you do with your mom,” he told her. “We want you to be happy in both houses.”

Da-Juniper pouted. “Yeah, but you used to take us there.”

“I can still take you there,” James promised. “Remember, I have to drop you off and pick you up sometimes?”

The scowl deepened. “But not if you’re picking us up from school.”

Oh, shit. Was that an issue, too? That was how they’d done the kid-transfer thing at the end of the last school year. Or was this just a sorbet thing?

“Maybe you can have a few favorite ice cream places?” Elio asked smoothly. “You could do, like, an ice cream tour of the city!”

“Ooh! Good idea.” Dana was in. “I’ll make a map on my tablet so we can rank them.”

Uh… James hadn’t quite approved that idea yet. And he was certain that he couldn’t make a map like that on his tablet—how had his nine-year-old learned? But then… It could be fun. A new way to spend time with his kids.