“I love nature centers,” Calvin said, probably being honest, but still teasing.

“Thank you,” James told him, then went through the familiar process of reminding Mikey to listen to Calvin.

Then the paths split.

They wandered along, quietly. James was thinking of all those words. Daddy. Boy. Dating. Gay. Partner?

God, was he ready for any of this? The divorce had only been finalized four months ago. There were still boxes in his new house that he hadn’t gotten around to unpacking.

Not to mention the distance. Long distance relationships were bad.

James couldn’t remember the name of the town where Elio lived now, but he’d looked it up on his phone yesterday after Ava mentioned it. It was a solid two-hour drive.

Elio pulled him off the trail, into the sparse underbrush and past some wild azaleas.

He was pretty sure you weren’t supposed to do that, but at this point, he would follow Elio anywhere.

His cock was already plumping up in his khakis.

Elio pulled him down a small slope, until trees and the distance obscured any view of the trail.

Were they going to… Again…? With a tree?

For the past two days, he’d found himself stroking the bark of every tree he passed, still disbelieving how damn good that had felt. The rugged ridges hurt even his palm, so he couldn’t quite conceive of how he’d allowed it on his dick.

But he would do it again.

Elio led him up to a tree, and he faced it automatically.

Then Elio swung him around.

They kissed. Oh God, how Elio kissed him, devouring his mouth like he needed it more than his next breath.

Elio started pressing on his shoulders. Urging him downward. He didn’t understand until…

Oh. Fuck. Elio wanted him to kneel.

Once he knew, he dropped to the shady forest floor. His khakis only protected his knees from the bed of pine needles a bit, but none of that mattered when Elio started unzipping his jeans.

James leaned forward eagerly.

He’d never imagined this for himself. Two days ago, if someone told him he’d be sucking cock in the woods with someone he’d just met, he would have laughed them away.

Now it sent a thrill through him. It was just so dirty. Wanton. Exposed.

“That’s right, Daddy,” Elio told him, grabbing his hair and dragging him forward. “Put your mouth to good use.”

James’s lips met denim before they even had a chance of finding skin, but he mouthed it anyway. Anything Elio wanted him to touch, he wanted it. He’d never felt so hungry to touch someone in his life.

Elio thrust down his jeans another few inches, and James got his reward.

That small, slender cock, eager and erect just for him.

It was a good thing it wasn’t any bigger, because Elio mashed his head forward, scarcely giving him space to breathe as his mouth was filled.

He was in heaven. There was no other word for it.

“Quiet, Daddy,” Elio warned him. “Don’t want anyone else to hear you servicing my cock. Someone could walk down that trail any minute.”