Elio shifted, preparing to sit up and start cleaning them up, but James pulled them back down.

“Not yet?” James asked, his voice a shy whisper.

Elio let himself flop back down and cuddle. He didn’t really want to move, either. James was too sweet, and it had been a long time since someone was so intent on holding him after sex.

So he snuggled in and relaxed.

The bright afternoon sun was softened by the walls of the tent, and a light breeze blew through the flaps at the top. Birds chirped outside, slowly returning after all the noise they’d been making.

Usually Elio was all about aftercare, but this felt different. It hadn’t even been all that kinky, at least by his standards. And he had soooo many more plans for James.

But right now all he felt was a lazy wash of contentment.

James’s wide hands running gently over his back only added to the feeling.

He knew he had to be getting heavy, so he shifted to the side.

Adorably, James turned with him, like an amorous octopus. Their limbs tangled together, and James sucked a lazy kiss against Elio’s shoulder as their sweat cooled.

Elio registered, somewhere, that James must be touch starved, or maybe affection starved. He probably needed this time as much or more than the sex.

Elio was delighted to give him this, too.

He ran his hands over James’ back in return. This was… really nice.

And if it was only for a few more days… Well, he’d have to make the most of it.

And maybe figure out where James lived, to suggest this again. Elio would be willing to travel.

But right now, he was pretty content right where he was.

“We should probably get up, so the kids don’t find us,” James sighed.

Elio reached over him, until he found his shorts. He used one hand to send a quick text, then made sure the ringer was on. He dropped the phone on the mattress, since he had much better uses for his hands. “Ava and Cal will text us before they leave. We’ll have a half hour head start.”

“Good,” James agreed, snuggling back in. “I don’t want to move.”

Elio planted a kiss on the crown of his head. “You don’t have to.”

Chapter 8


James strolled along the path, taking in the beauty of the lake when he could manage to take his eyes off Elio, who’d managed to race ahead with Mikey and Dana. Well, Mikey and Ocean today.

Yes, that was apparently her… their… new name. Ocean.

He reminded himself that he didn’t have to understand it to offer his child the love and respect that she, uh, they deserved.

Ocean didn’t look any different from yesterday, chattering and bouncing along through the woods in a pair of short-shorts and an oversized sweatshirt, but… yeah. This was going to take him a while to get used to.

It was his other kiddo who was more on his mind, now.

He’d hung back to ask Calvin about his experiences with ADHD, and he’d been as forthcoming as Elio had suggested.

Basically everything James had described about Mikey—the hyperfocus on the Pokémon cards and amphibians, the inability to remember the names of kids in his class (unless they played Pokémon), the tears of frustration over writing a simple paragraph despite the high scores on tests, and the “but why didn’t you tell me?” wail when James had told him something a dozen times—all had Calvin nodding in agreement.

“Yep. That was totally me. I don’t know how my parents put up with it. If I ever forget my Adderall, I spend the whole day playing fetch with my brain because nothing’s where I left it or when I think it’s going to happen. I just wander around in circles sometimes, touching things.”