When he returned though, his eyes were hungry. Elio’s cock was sticking straight up—all three inches of it—the round head darker than the rest of his skin with the rush of his blood. His balls hung thick and heavy below, dusted with hair and larger than his actual cock.

“You got a meta,” James commented, running his hand up Elio’s leg.

Elio certainly hadn’t expected that level of knowledge. “Did you look that up this morning?”

James laughed. “No. Didn’t I tell you? I’m a plastic surgeon. I mostly do facial reconstruction, but I follow all the literature and do ongoing training. There are only a handful of good surgeons for metoidioplasty, and it looks like you got a good one.”

“I did. I’m very pleased with it. And you didn’t tell me you were a plastic surgeon before.” Each new fact James revealed was fascinating, but Elio hadn’t expected him to go into something so… superficial? Commercial? “Is that like… eyebrow lifts and puffy lips?” he finally asked.

James laughed again. “Occasionally. But a lot of facial surgery is cleft palates and accident victims. Trauma wounds, burn scars, reconstruction after cancer surgery, droopy eyelids that impede vision and communication… That sort of thing. I’ve also done facial feminization surgery—jaw contouring, cheek or lip augmentation, forehead contouring, and so on for transwomen.”

Huh. Sounded like James knew a lot more about trans-positive care than Elio had expected. Though he hadn’t quite been expecting this level of medical talk when his pants came off.

James seemed to have the same idea. “Can we stop talking about my job now?” It was teasing, but his eyes kept darting down to Elio’s cock.

“Please,” Elio agreed. “You want a taste?”

James nodded all too quickly.

“Make me feel good, Daddy.”

James bent forward, and much to Elio’s delight, he didn’t just attack his dick, but nibbled kisses up from Elio’s knee to his thigh. Such a delightful tease.

Little licks up one side. A few kisses on the other. Hands massaging down Elio’s legs.

“You’re good at this, sweetheart,” Elio praised.

James broke off to speak. “I promise you, I’m not. Any good ideas I have are probably from movies and porn. And, uh, I guess I just… I want to touch all of you. I still can’t quite believe that I get to.” He fell back to kissing, little hums and happy whimpers falling out of his mouth.

And that soft mouth was sweeping enticingly close to where Elio wanted it, but not quite close enough.

It was mind blowing. And maddening.

Elio’s eyes rolled back in his head.

“You know,” he found the words to say. “There’s a word for it when subs please their Doms like this.”

James barely lifted his mouth, his words coming out as a puff of cool air against Elio’s dampened skin. “What?”


“Oh, yes, Elio.” James looked up, all sincere and sweet with his graying hair tousled and his worn cheeks flushed. Mature and wise, but so new at the same time. “Please, may I worship you?”

Oh, fuck. Seemed that James had remembered his lessons from last night. Just the request sent pleasure crashing through Elio’s body. “Go ahead, Daddy. Worship your king.”

James shook his head. “Not my king.”

Elio raised an eyebrow. He hadn’t expected disagreement, but he supposed labels could be weird for anyone.

“My sun god,” James announced reverently, then he fell back to his task, licking and kissing just at the juncture of Elio’s thigh.

Okay, Elio could definitely get behind that title. It called to mind Greek statues, muscle-studded with cocks dangling. In fact, they often had smaller dicks, didn’t they? And sexy men running around to suck them? That was pretty much his impression of ancient Greek culture. Lots of homoeroticism.

Elio could totally be James’s fucking sun god, allowing his fervent worshiper to lick across his body.

And fuck, that mouth… James nipped his thigh, making Elio arch up.

James soothed the spot with his tongue.