If someone was going to freak out, better that it happen verbally than when he’d been physically and emotionally stripped bare.

Right now, James had gone back to kissing along his collarbones and running fingers through his chest hair.

It felt heavenly. Elio could feel James’s excitement.

So… better to get this out of the way, now. “Going through puberty at the same time as all the other boys helped with another thing, too.” Elio kept his voice light and playful.

“Yeah?” James asked, mouth busy with Elio’s shoulder.

“Yep. Means I got a bigger dick.”

James moaned. That was encouraging.

“But, uh, for a trans guy. It’s still not the size that most guys have.”

James sat back to meet his eyes. “I haven’t been with any other guys to compare you to.”

That was sweet. “I know. I just… I can’t penetrate you.”

James raised one eyebrow. “My sore ass begs to differ.”

Elio finally had to laugh, relieved. James seemed to have plenty of his own worries, but none of them were about Elio’s body.

“Alright. Yes. I can fuck you any day of the week. Just… some guys, especially if they’re just out, want the full gay experience.”

“And what’s this?” James looked down Elio’s body, locking on the place where their pelvises met, hardness meeting hardness through their clothing. “Sure seems pretty gay to me.”

Elio cupped James’s chin with his hands. “You’re a sweetheart.”

James rocked his hips, making both of them hum with pleasure.

“I don’t know if this helps,” James mused, looking pensive, “but I was with my ex for almost twenty years. I don’t even remember if I was ever truly in love with her or attracted to her. That sounds crazy, but we met in med school, and everything about that time is intense. You’re studying all the time, you don’t get enough sleep, there are a thousand things to learn, and a frightening number of patients to see, all while the attending is watching you for the slightest mistake. Catherine was in my classes, and we started eating lunch and studying together. Somehow that became dating, and what I mostly remember feeling was relief. Like, I could check off one more complicated thing from my list, because I’d found a girlfriend, and eventually a wife, so I didn’t have to worry about one more responsibility. It wasn’t a time in my life that led to a lot of introspection or exploration.”

James ran his hands over Elio’s belly, stroking the line of hair one way and then the other. It was almost like he couldn’t help himself. “So I don’t actually know now if I’m gay or bi or pan. I haven’t looked at another person with sexual attraction since high school, and at that point I was terrified of what I might find. The last eight years of my marriage—since Mikey was conceived—Catherine and I didn’t have sex at all, not that we had a lot before then. In the four months since my divorce, I went to exactly one gay bar, people watched until my beer ran out, and that’s as far as I got. So…” He sucked in a breath, eyes still fixed on that trail of hair. “I guess what I’m saying is that genitals are kind of the last thing that I’m worried about. All I really know is that I’m attracted to you.”

James looked up then, a little bit shyly, like he was still just admitting this to himself even after their wild night together. Or, perhaps, like he wasn’t quite sure that he was allowed to feel that way.

Elio just wanted to eat him all up. This dance between confidence and insecurity was enticing.

Or was James feeling shy because it was specific to Elio? Maybe that it was more than just being with a guy—and a Dom—for the first time?

Damn. Elio still didn’t know where James lived, or if they’d ever want to see each other after this week. But right now, warmth was bubbling over inside his chest.

“That’s good, Daddy. Because I’m attracted to you, too.” Elio pulled him down to merge their lips together. “You drive me wild,” he added at a whisper, sneaking in the words between thirsty kisses.

“I don’t see how,” James murmured, sipping at Elio’s mouth. “I’m inexperienced, middle-aged, and nothing to look at.”

“To the contrary,” Elio argued, “that sexy body is what makes you a Daddy. Experienced in life. Comfortable to snuggle. I promise you, there’s a whole league of guys who’d be waiting to get your number.”

James drew back, which was just as well, because Elio didn’t like that idea either. He’d meant to say it as a compliment, but he’d rather not imagine the actuality.

“Right now, though, you’re all mine,” he course-corrected. “Luckily, I’m the one who got you first.” They shared sappy grins.

“I couldn’t imagine being luckier,” James agreed. His hands drifted down until they trailed along the top of Elio’s shorts. “So, can I take these off?”

“Go ahead.” The eighty-percent confidence had jumped to ninety-nine. Elio was feeling pretty good.

James opened the button, and then, with agonizing slowness, dragged the zipper down. It was another one of those moments when James’s earnestness was its own aphrodisiac. He was reverent as he guided Elio’s shorts and briefs down over his hips, and then moved awkwardly out of the way to get them past Elio’s feet.