“Yes, please. And any type of eggs that I don’t have to make would be amazing. Thank you all for feeding us.”

“No problem. Food’s already bought.”

“Well, I can pay you back for some of it.”

Calvin and Elio shook their heads in tandem. “We buy in bulk,” Elio commented, while Calvin said, “You can do the washing.”

Elio leaned into James’s side. “I’ll be on cleaning duty, too.”

Calvin gave them a snort, but he was smiling.

This was what family acceptance felt like. Not that Elio’s younger siblings were the same as meeting his parents, but if just felt… safe. Comfortable.

Nothing like either Catherine’s family, or his own.

Hopefully James could help Mikey and Dana feel this safe and loved when they grew up.

“Elio, it’s your turn!” Mikey interrupted, clearly bored with all the grown-up talk.

“You can help with the washing up too,” James told Mikey.

Mikey crossed his arms over his chest, clearly ready to wail.

“You’re not going to help me?” Elio asked, surprised. “Washing up is my favorite part!”

Mikey gave him a suspicious glare. “I guess.”

“And after that, you need a shower.” Mikey’s hands were still covered with soot from the fire last night.

“Maybe a shower after we go swimming?” Elio suggested.

“Yeah, that could work,” James agreed.

Oh God. Elio in a swimsuit again.

Chapter 7


The afternoon couldn’t come fast enough. Splashing around with James in the lake all morning had stretched Elio’s patience to the limits. Even with their families to pull them into silly games or lazy floating, it was all Elio could do to keep his hands to himself.

It was the first time he’d gotten to see so much of James’s body, and it just made him want more. He was lanky by nature, but had just a bit of a soft, kissable belly, and a gorgeous mat of chest fur that Elio just wanted to pet and tug. Combined with James’s shy smiles and salt-and-pepper hair, he made an enticing picture.

They’d had a few lucky moments alone in the water, when Ava and Calvin took the kids to get hot dogs and fries. Elio had hiked James into his arms, encouraging James to wrap his legs around his waist.

There was just something about the water. The weightlessness. The silky glide of skin. Even the distracting way James’s swim trunks ballooned around them without interrupting the press of their cocks together.

James had pinked up and quickly looked around, but he hadn’t objected at all. Elio suspected that there wasn’t much James would object to if he asked it of him.

They kept everything PG for the beach crowd—just one quick, stolen kiss.

But it had left Elio hungry for more.

And now his amazing, super-awesome siblings had taken Mikey and Big D—name still to be determined—to some rinky-dink local museum for the afternoon. Elio owed them big time.

At the campsite, James had said goodbye to his kids for about the fifth time, made sure they had snacks and water bottles (twice), and reviewed the rules with Mikey (three times, but it looked like Mikey had barely listened once). They were such cute kids.

Elio waved goodbye, too, and they watched the car roll away. He leaned back against the picnic table.