Elio took away the water bottle and then pressed something to his lips. Not mouth or just his fingers, though. It was harder, with corners.

“Open,” Elio told him.

It was chocolate. It was creamy and sweet, and it melted on his tongue. He kept licking, trying to get Elio’s fingers.

Elio pressed two fingers into his mouth, holding the chocolate against his tongue so he could suck. That was perfect. Chocolate and Elio.

Like a sandwich. Or a s’more. That was where the chocolate was from, right? But even better. Because he wanted s’more…

“What are you laughing about?” Elio asked him, eyes crinkled with happiness.

“S’mores… Somemmmmore!” he said around Elio’s fingers. “You’re… s’more!” It even rhymed.

“Oh, Daddy darling, what am I going to do with you?”

“Keep me?” James asked. Or at least he tried to. There were fingers in the way. He licked his way around them, gathering all the chocolate and Elio-ness.

That was how it was supposed to be.

Chapter 6


James awoke to sunshine streaming in the tent overhead. Birds chirped just outside, and leaves rustled in the breeze.

He kicked out of his sleeping bag, which was suddenly too hot, when a twinge of pain brought all of last night rushing back.

Elio had been inside him. Elio had fucked him until he screamed. Elio had held him while he said all sorts of crazy things, in some hazy loved-up dream state that still didn’t quite feel real.

Holy shit.

Like, really.

Holy shit.

He’d hooked up with a guy last night. And it had gotten kinky. Really kinky.

Maybe he could just lay on the air mattress for another hour and reminisce.

Or… go see Elio again? Would it be too soon? Was that too much?

Elio said he’d be around for a few days, but clearly, he had a lot of partners. How much of that gay hook-up culture was real, and how much was a stereotype?

Damn. James was pretty sure he’d said some embarrassing things last night. Hopefully Elio would know that it was just the endorphins talking.

He rolled over.

His ass still hurt, and his dick was a little tender, and he was probably totally depraved, but he kind of loved that. It meant everything was real. And it felt… precious.

But he was in a tent with his sleeping children.

He sat up. There was one sleeping child. Dana had worked her way out of most of her sleeping bag and was lying diagonally across her mat.

With her snarled hair spread over the pillow, she looked innocent. He could remember her at six years old. As a chubby toddler. A tiny baby, barely as long as his forearm and so light she almost weighed nothing.

For a moment, watching her in the dappled light of the tent, his heart swelled up with love.

He could barely imagine what the teenage years would bring. Dating and parties and arguments and secrets. Well, more arguments and secrets. They’d already had plenty of the former, and apparently, she already had some of the latter.