He looked at Mikey and Dana, who were clearly living their best lives. He’d let them sleep over with friends whose parents he’d barely spoken with for five minutes on the phone. And he’d be putting them to bed, anyway. They wouldn’t even know he was gone. So did he trust these people with his kids?

He watched Calvin, deep in conversation with Mikey about gold Pokémon cards. The whole family had welcomed them in, gentle teasing, marshmallows, and all. If one of his children woke up and needed to find the bathroom or something, they’d be comfortable with Calvin or Ava taking them. He could just let them know that he might go for a nighttime hike.

He glanced at Elio again, breath catching in his throat at just how sexy he was, with those bright green eyes and crooked little tooth. James’s whole body was hot from the press of Elio’s arm against his. He still couldn’t believe that Elio wanted him.

Even if it was just for a night, just once… It felt like an opportunity that might never come again.

He knew that Elio would take control. Might even hurt him, in some impossible way that he’d always craved but never knew how to express. He was confident that Elio would know, though.

That was where the real trust came in and… he felt like Elio had earned that trust. Not by seducing him, but with everything that had passed between them today. Elio was a good man.

And he felt breathless in his presence, almost dizzy just looking at him and remembering that kiss. If he took this opportunity, his whole world was going to change. Maybe it already had.

“I’d like that,” he finally exhaled.

Elio linked their pinkies together, their hands hardly visible in the inky night.

James couldn’t remember a single touch ever feeling so good.

His heart fluttered like a hummingbird. He was really going to do this.

Chapter 4


Elio stretched his arms, then finally stood up and paced around the campsite. For about the fourth time in an hour.

Ava chuckled. “Something wrong with your chair?”

“Shut it.” He didn’t even look at her. There was still one light glowing in James’s tent, and he hadn’t heard any voices in a while.

“But brother dear… I thought you wanted my help tonight.”

He spared her a grateful glance. “I do. Thank you.”

He totally deserved all this teasing. He’d certainly been a menace when Ava brought home her first girlfriend.

“He’ll come,” Calvin declared. “Kids take time to fall asleep.”

Like he didn’t know. “I changed your diapers.”

“You like this guy?” Calvin asked, gentling his tone.

Elio hadn’t been expecting that. “Yeah? I mean, it’s a hook-up, but…” How much to tell them? “He’s new to this. He’s nervous, so it’s kind of making me nervous.”

Ava laughed. “You’re never nervous.”

“I’m glad you think that.” He gave the tent one last look. The light hadn’t changed, and it was too far away to hear anything. “I just want him to have a positive first experience.”

“Wherein you fuck his brains out,” Calvin concluded.

“Well, yeah…” Obviously.

Suddenly the light in the tent did change, though. The beam swung around, and he was pretty sure he heard the zipper open.

Elio wiped his hands on his jeans, surprised to find them sweaty. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous. Maybe because this wasn’t his usual hook-up situation, and he’d already met the guy’s kids? Or because James was so mature and experienced in so many ways—so accomplished and settled in his life—even while he was exploring new things?

Or maybe because he couldn’t get that moment out of his mind, when he’d told James to squeeze his own balls, and he’d just done it, looking up at Elio with such helplessness and need…