The look he got in return was half amused glare, half plea for help.

“Squeeze your balls,” Elio told him. “Hard. Now.”

James took a long, stunned moment to comply. One hand went to his bulge, then tightened into a fist.

His mouth fell open, astonished eyes even wider.

“If that feels good,” Elio warned him, “you’re not squeezing hard enough. Pull down.”

Though Elio was definitely going to play with that later.

James squeezed his eyes shut, along with his fist.

When his eyes blinked open, he looked like he’d just returned from another planet.

Well, fuck. Elio had a little pain slut on his hands. How he wanted to take this buttoned-up older man apart.

“Naughty Daddy,” Elio commented, letting his approval shine through. “Go fill these with water.” He grabbed a reusable water bottle from inside the car and handed James his own with a soft kiss to his cheek. “The pump’s about three sites down. It’ll give you a couple minutes.”

James blinked, and then shuffled away, gait made awkward by his erection.

Elio let himself watch that adorable ass, until it was time to turn around and coo over plastic cups filled with tadpoles.

James’s kids were pretty cute, too.

This was shaping up to be an awesome vacation.

Chapter 3


“That’s enough marshmallows,” James told Mikey. “I said two, and you’ve already had three.”

“But Daa-aaa-ad…” Somehow the word had multiple syllables. “There’s more in the bag!” He held it up as evidence. James hoped they wouldn’t spill on the ground.

“I’m glad you’re thinking about sharing, but marshmallows are made of sugar, and that’s enough.” Too much information? Not enough? The counselor told him to keep explanations short.

Mikey pouted. Hopefully, they weren’t going to have a breakdown on their hands.

Elio just reached over and grabbed the bag, which miraculously didn’t cause World War III. “Daddy said no more marshmallows. Hey, did you know you can use a fire to sharpen a spear?”

“Really?” Mikey looked intrigued.

James was just trying to calm the tingles in his belly every time Elio said the word Daddy. Which he’d managed to slip into conversation quite a few times this afternoon.

James hadn’t quite planned to spend the whole day with Elio and his siblings. It had kind of just happened. Ava and Calvin seemed genuinely delighted to have their vacation crashed by a pair of inquisitive kids, and James hadn’t been able to come up with any good reason why they shouldn’t all go on a hike together. Or rent kayaks and explore the pond. Or enjoy an impressive dinner of handmade pizza rolls that he couldn’t have ever made in the oven, let alone over an open fire.

Elio had hinted—not so subtly by his siblings’ grins—that the two of them could sneak off at some point. But that seemed… irresponsible? This was the first vacation James had taken with just the kids, and he truly wanted to spend time with them.

He still had to admit that being with his kids was a lot more fun with friends. And with Elio not-so-subtly grabbing his ass whenever the kids were more than twenty feet away. Or calling him Daddy in that innocent way that just made it a thousand times more naughty and arousing.

God, Elio.

What was going to happen when the kids went to sleep?

Could James really sneak out? For sex? For… sex where he, uh, wasn’t in charge?

He found himself watching Elio again, the firelight flickering off his boyish face as he showed Mikey how to rotate the tip of a stick in the fire. James would have never let Mikey poke the fire like that. But Mikey was totally focused on the task, and Elio had it well in hand.