Elio almost drew back when James let out a ragged moan and reached one hand out to touch Elio’s hip. At the touch of skin to skin, James whimpered, dragging his thumb up just an inch to feel more. So at least it was overwhelming in a good way.

Elio grinned. He couldn’t remember having this effect on someone before.

Though if James wasn’t holding back because he was overwhelmed, either his wife was a shitty kisser and he never learned, or… “Do you like it when I take the lead?” Elio asked, voice husky. He didn’t want to use words like control or dominance yet, but the possibility sent his climbing arousal even higher.

Another long pause, then a subtle nod. James’s hand clenched reflexively against Elio’s bare flesh, but didn’t journey further.

Elio whispered against James’s mouth. “Use your words, Daddy. What do you want?”

James’s deep brown eyes flicked open. “Why are you calling me that?”

Mostly because of the way he’d blushed when Elio said it the first time. That, and the idea was hot. “You’re a sexy older man. You take good care of your children. Who’s going to take care of you?”

James let out a whimper. How long had he been wanting this?

“Now tell me, what do you want?”

“I want… I mean, I like…” He was fighting with himself. His voice was barely a whispered plea when he asked, “Can you do that again?”

That was a start. When he was ready, Elio wanted to take this man apart.

He stepped in, until their bodies pressed together, sliding one leg between lean khaki-clad thighs, until his hip met James’s sizeable erection. James groaned.

Elio liked the contrast, making out with this buttoned-up man. He might be nearly naked, but that was part of his power. It was clear that he was the one in charge. He pressed closer, letting James feel how he was trapped against the car.

This time, Elio didn’t hold back. He brought one hand up to cup James’s skull while he ravaged his mouth. James kissed back this time, sweet tongue tangling. When they clashed, he deferred to Elio every time, fitting himself to Elio’s assault. Needy and pliable.

Elio decided to test it further, just to give James a little taste. He used his other hand to find James’s wrist and press it back against the window.

Elio was more than ready to stop or change directions, but what he got in return was a deep moan, humming through the seal of their mouths.

What a delicious little surprise.

Elio traced down James’s other arm, then pinned that one to the car as well. There was no resistance, just James’s hips bucking up against his.

“You like that, Daddy?” He pressed James’s wrists a bit harder against the glass, letting him feel it. “Maybe we could try some rope.”

James whimpered. “Oh God. We can’t. My kids…”

Elio smirked. Funny time to remember them after all this. He cocked his head toward his campsite. “They can’t see or hear us. And I’ve got two great babysitters on standby. Bet they’d like to go on a nice, long nature hike.”


Mmmm… Elio liked how his name sounded. He’d have to get more of that.

“Or we could take a nature walk ourselves. One of them could hang out here after your kids are asleep.”

“Are you sure…?”

Elio kissed him again. “Daddy, you just say the words.”

James was breathing heavily, clearly excited but not quite ready to commit. The thought was broken by the chirp of two young voices heading their way.

“And speaking of children, Daddy, I think yours are on the way.” Elio landed one last kiss on his cheek, then slowly took a few steps back.

James looked panicked, checking the direction the kids must be coming from, then his crotch.

“I’d say we’ve been hard at work getting that tent set up,” Elio chuckled.