“I think you’re right.” He gave me one more kiss before doing a very good stern expression. “But you’re sweet and precious, and as your Daddy, it’s my job to make sure we don’t rush.”

So no grown-up playtime until the second date?

“Yes, Daddy Tate.” I was going to be so good, he would do wonderfully naughty things to me next time.

I couldn’t wait for our second date.

Chapter 6


* * *

“Where did I save that chart?” Sorting through the endless sites and images now saved on my phone, it took me entirely too long to find the one I was looking for. “Bingo.”

It had been on a site not a picture I’d downloaded.

Based on the number of charts and how-to instruction manuals online, the BDSM community seemed to be filled with nerds and Type-A overachievers, but I appreciated it.

“Yes, I can remember that.” Scrolling down the page to the where to spank section, I double-checked the details on that quickly but it seemed to be obvious enough that I wasn’t worried about that as much.

I knew not to damage his kidneys or back, what the fuck were people doing that they needed to be told that, but it was the how pink should Addison’s ass get issue that I really wanted to double-check.

Not that I was expecting to spank him in the restaurant, but it was the rest of the evening I wasn’t so sure about. He hadn’t exactly been subtle about what he was hoping for. I appreciated the list of what he would do and wouldn’t do but it made planning a date much more interesting than I was used to.

Once I stopped worrying about it, I thought the list idea seemed like something the regular dating community should adopt, but it made me nervous because I’d needed to look up more than a few terms on his limits list.

But spankings I could do, and judging by the way it was highlighted and decorated with stars on his list, it was his top choice. Some people might’ve thought it was over the top but I appreciated not having to guess how to make him happy in bed.

He’d even been helpful and included several prompts on how to shift into what the internet seemed to call a funishment scene.

Yep, Type-A overachievers and nerds.

It was like playing Dungeons and Dragons with the most well-organized players ever.

“Okay, I can do this.” Usually it was the small talk on dates that was the hardest but that definitely wasn’t the case with Addison. “Don’t want to be late because then he’s going to ask what I was doing.”

And explaining that I was in the gas station parking lot just down from his house obsessing over how pink his ass should get was not what I wanted to do.

He’d think it was cute but I wasn’t sure it was the most confident answer a Daddy could give.

“I can do this. I’m going to be a great Daddy. It’s a spanking, not rocket science.”

I did my best to conclude the ridiculous pep talk as I got to his house, but it was still playing over and over in my head. However, it helped to see him peeking out around the curtains again. I loved that some things hadn’t changed even though our relationship had definitely shifted in a new direction.

He managed not to race out and greet me like an excited dog doing a happy dance but he was vibrating with excitement as I came up to the small front porch. “You’re here.”

Somehow, even on our fourth date, that seemed to surprise him, so I could only assume his dating life hadn’t always gone smoothly.

“I’m here and starving. Are you ready for dinner?” Aligning our schedules over the past few weeks hadn’t been easy, especially with him picking up extra shifts whenever he could while he was getting ready to head over to college for the next semester.

“Yes.” Nearly jumping into my arms, he beamed up at me. “Where are we going?”

“Do you want fried chicken or spaghetti?” The way to Addison’s heart seemed to be through playing and comfort foods, so I stuck with options I knew he’d enjoy.

“Oh.” More excited wiggles had me trying to remind my dick to behave but thankfully he made up his mind quickly. “Spaghetti. Let’s hurry. I’m starving.”

“That sounds perfect.” I kept my kiss quick to keep us from getting distracted and forced myself to step away before we could put on a show for his neighbors. “Do you have your phone? Keys?”