“What’s going on in your head, darling? Talk to me.”

“I’ve been so worried that you were going to get mad at me for asking about Sam a few months ago. And for poking at Sam the day I got into an accident. And for everything!” I buried my head into his neck so I couldn’t see the concern undoubtedly etched into his handsome face.

“No hiding from me.”

Trey tilted my chin, so I had to look at him. “I’m sorry, Daddy. I feel like there’s so many things I should have shared. So many times I could have done something instead of nothing at all.”

“It sounds like you’re still carrying around guilt. You need to let that go, jellybean. It will not do either of us any good. Guilt has no place in our relationship. It will only cause the three of us to be at a distance from each other.”


“Let it go. There were a lot of things I should have been taking care of. Not only did I earn your forgiveness when I apologized, but I am doing my best to make sure I don’t make the same mistakes. I expect you to do the same. Will you do that for me, Monica? Let go of the past and enjoy the present?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’ll do my best. There was just something about the way you were touching me that brought up heaps of guilt. I’ll talk to you if it comes up again.”

“Thank you, babygirl.” Trey grinned, a huge cheesy smile that filled his face. “Now, let’s hope your text was enough damage control for Sam and that he doesn’t respond the way I’m thinking he might.”

I had to choose my reply carefully. I licked my lips and planted one kiss on his cheek. “Are you sure you don’t want that?”

“I can get myself into trouble, darling. I don’t need you helping me get into more.” Trey winked.

“I’ll keep that in mind, Daddy. Will you take a shower with me?”


Trey climbed out of bed and pulled me with him.

We took our time getting fluffy towels, saying whatever silly thing entered our heads, and just enjoying being with one another again. I was so thankful for our time spent reconnecting. It was almost enough to forget that Sam was off work in less than two hours and I was certain he wouldn’t let my brattitude slide.

The prospect of him coming over shouldn’t excite me, knowing he would sort it out with his hand and my butt. However, my body didn’t seem to get the memo. I couldn’t wait to see him. I’d beg for his forgiveness and bat my eyelashes at him, all the while hoping he didn’t accept my apology. Not until my bottom was red-hot and throbbing. Not until I was on my knees, sucking Sam off while Trey watched, becoming more and more turned on until he joined in and I was squeezed deliciously between them. When I stepped into the huge double shower, all I could think about was the three of us tasting and teasing each other in a tangled sexual knot.

We had talked about a threesome but doing it would be a unique experience. Even if Sam didn’t decide to punish the two of us—we hadn’t technically broken rules after all— he would ensure that we were thoroughly sore and satisfied after he finished with us.

I giggled uncontrollably as the fantasy flitted through my head.

Trey followed me into the shower. “What’s on your mind, jellybean?”

“Sam. You. Me.”

“Hm. Are you regretting your decision to poke him so hard today?”

“Not a chance!” I pulled him to me and kissed him hard.

Trey indulged me for a few moments before breaking away. “You might think differently when he gets here. Keep in mind, you put this whole thing into motion, darling.”

“You had the same idea,” I protested, but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

“Your fault,” he said, chuckling.


“Yes, darling?”

“It won’t matter who started it. Not to Sam.”

“I know. And you love the attention.” He kissed me, tangling his hands in my hair.

I hoped he felt the same way when Sam got his hands on us, a thought that thrilled me to my core.