My eyes kept flickering to her gorgeous face. She looked more peaceful and relaxed than I’d seen her look in months. I thrust one final time, coming inside of her as her pussy clenched. Monica moaned, her limbs flexing and releasing as she came hard. Slowly, we regained our senses. Undoing the four-point restraints, I rubbed each of her ankles and wrists. I never imagined I could feel so close to her, but at that moment, I did. Her entire body shone with sweat.

“I’m going to get us some water, darling. Stay here.”

“I don’t think I could move even if you ordered me to, Daddy.”

I kissed each of her hips before reluctantly getting out of bed. “You’re glowing, babygirl. I’ll be right back.”

“I love you, Trey.”

“I love you, jellybean.”

“Tonight felt sort of perfect. I wasn’t sure if Sam would take charge the way he did, and I liked it.”

“I had some of the same thoughts running through my head earlier, but I agree. Well, to clarify, I didn’t love having to chase you in the pouring rain but reconnecting with you felt amazing.”

Monica sat up slowly. “And what about our relationship with Sam? I mean, you’ve liked him for a while. Right?”

“You’re right about the crush, and I’m getting used to the idea. Thank you for thinking of us, babygirl. I won’t let you down again, at least not on purpose.”

“I know, Trey.”

I patted her leg before grabbing my phone and strutting out of the bedroom. Shooting off a text message to Sam, something that would have made me nervous earlier, filled me with excitement. Rewarded Monica for being very good.

He answered immediately. I’ll do the same for you after your punishment tomorrow.

Stumbling over my feet, I dropped my phone. Luckily, it landed on one of the throw rugs instead of the hardwood floor. I blew out a breath, calming my racing heart before answering him.

I want to be good for you, Sir.

You will. Get some sleep. See you in the morning.



My heart seemed to burst at the seams, filled with love for my sweet girl and for my new connection with my Sir. Panicked thoughts suddenly swirled through my head, but I held them at bay. Sam didn’t expect perfection from me. He understood the dynamic was completely new to me and he would help me find my stride. And I’d find it even if it was after many sessions with his hand and a paddle. Looking at his message for another moment, I finally lowered my phone. I had a strong desire to address him as Daddy, but it didn't seem right tonight.

Monica had a Little mindset, and I didn't. But I still wanted him to care for me in the same way. The idea of Sam becoming my Daddy wormed something into my heart that I never wanted to leave. I wanted him to step into that role for me. Somehow, I already knew he would be great at it.

Chapter 5


* * *

One week later, I was curled up in bed, eating snacks and texting Sam. We had spent lots of time together the past week discussing rules. He left me sore the day we had our talk, and the memory left me wanting to experience it again. I looked forward to exploring our new dynamic more, except I hadn’t been behaving today. No, I’d been throwing my brat in his general direction since I woke up. I wasn’t silly enough to challenge Trey. Not when he was in the same house as me and had been more receptive than usual, but Sam was at work. His hands couldn’t reach my behind while he was on duty.

We were both off from ranch duties today for the first time in months. Grant had adjusted the schedule to give us a few days off together for the next few weeks so we could continue working on our relationship. Trey strutted into the bedroom. He was probably going to ask me something, but he observed my posture and cocked his eyebrow.

“What’d you do, jellybean?”

I batted my eyelashes at him, hoping I appeared innocent. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Nuh-uh. I know that look.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been positively cherub-like today.”

He climbed onto the bed and pulled me into his lap so I was facing him. I slowly set my phone on the nightstand. Trey glanced back and forth between my eyes. I had a tell. Though I wasn’t lying, there also wasn’t the entire truth in my words.