“Me too.” He stood, stepping into his pants and zipping them. I wished he was taking them off and staying the night. Sam added the utility belt, his eyes meeting mine.

“How about you, Trey?”

“I’m not happy you’re leaving, but I understand, Sam.”

I wasn’t entirely sure if he still expected a title since I was no longer across his thighs, but Sam let me know with a narrow stare. He finished buckling his belt as he walked around the side of the bed, the flexion of his jaw broadcasting his mood, but not his intentions.

I tried to appear casual, subtly wiping the sweat from my brow. If I wasn’t so concerned for my ass, I would have drooled at the sight of his lean, muscular body in motion. He grabbed a hold of my hair and tugged until I was pressed against him and staring into his eyes. His other hand slapped the lowest part of my rump where he knew I was most tender. The smarting bite of pain made me hiss and rock up on my tiptoes, pushing myself even harder against him.

“You are so very lucky that I have to go to work, country boy.”

“I’ve never used titles before.” I offered a lame excuse.

“You’re going to learn that I don’t like to repeat myself. Title until I say otherwise. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir. You should probably get going. I don’t want to make you late.”

“I’ll be coming back here after my shift. You’re going to be writing acceptable titles three times each until it becomes second nature.”

“How long is your shift?”

Sam glanced at his watch. “Scratch that plan. It’s later than I realized. I’ll stop by in the morning and you can make time in between your tasks.”

He was bossier than I’d imagined. Yet, it was the same thing I’d done to my submissives as punishment for the same infraction. I couldn’t be mad because, honestly, he deserved the title, and the repercussions would get me used to it. I had to be very careful with my wording and opted for, “Yes, Sir.”

“Good boy.”

I didn’t think I had a praise kink but hearing that phrase from Sam aroused the hell out of me. He kissed me before slowly releasing his hold on my hair. “Can you call me that all the time, Sir?”

“As long as you behave.” Sam kissed me again. “Monica deserves to be rewarded tonight. Make sure you do so before the two of you go to sleep.”

“Yes, Sir.”

He gave me a coy smile before moving to the end of the bed. Sam planted a kiss on the crown of her head. “I’ll talk to you later, sweetheart.”

Monica grabbed his arm, and he kissed her until she was panting into his mouth. He broke away first, albeit reluctantly, and wiped his thumb across her lips. He wanted to stay as much as we wanted him to.

She beamed at him. “Be safe, Sir. I’ll worry about you when you’re out in the field.”

“I’ll be all right. No need to worry.”

We watched Sam leave. I had a million concerns swirling through my head, but they weren’t as important as the gorgeous woman smirking at me and my concerns faded into the background. I had been looking forward to a threesome of some sort and yet looking at Monica gave me a rush of adrenaline. The last time we had sex, it was boring. Plain. It lacked intimacy. I would never take her for granted again. She deserved a mind-blowing orgasm. Hell, we both did, but I had the upper hand. Sam made sure of it.

“Get your sexy ass over here right now.” I pointed to the space in front of me.

She rapidly crawled across the bed on all fours until she reached me. Monica was giddy with excitement and her eyes were shining. I loved seeing her at ease, something that had been lacking for so long. No. I wasn’t venturing into that abyss tonight. I was going to reward her.

“I, um, have been trying to find someone for us for a few months. I wasn’t keeping it from you or anything, but you haven’t been willing to talk.” Her face fell. “I know this–” She gestured between us. “–right here, is about us connecting, but I had to tell you first.”

I tucked my arm around her slim waist, bringing her near enough that our knees were touching. Licking my tongue along the sweet hollow of her neck, I didn’t stop until I reached her mouth, claiming it possessively. She returned my kisses with fervor, matching my intensity. I understood why she felt the need to talk and I appreciated it, but everything else was unimportant.


“We can talk later. I’m not mad at you, babygirl. Your actions were to benefit both of us in the long run. I was so desperate to handle everything, but I messed up. I won’t do it again.”

“I trust you.” Her pupils were wide as she stared. “May I suck you off now?”

“Maybe. What would bring you the most pleasure right now?”