Trey stepped backward, as if expecting the next part. “I’m, uh, going to check our clothes.”

“Leave it for now. Let’s have a talk.” I patted my thigh.

“You can’t punish me for something that happened prior to us being in a relationship.”

I interpreted it as a sign that I must be going in the right direction, one that meant we were dipping our toes into a relationship. “I can with your consent.”

Trey’s eyes went wide, as if that hadn’t occurred to him. He cupped Monica’s chin, gently tipping it upward. “Is this what you want, babygirl?”

“Yes, but only if you also want it. Please don’t take this the wrong way, Daddy. I want you to have your wants and needs taken care of. It’s not that I want to see you punished, but I think it will clear the slate. We’ll start fresh. All three of us.” Her eyes shone with tears.

“Are you sure, darling?”

“Yes, Daddy. I’d like to be in a relationship with you and Sam. If you’re both on board, then I will commit.”

Trey kissed her lips once before releasing his hold. He looked up at the ceiling for a moment, then turned toward me. I waited for him to fold himself across my thighs. He did it faster than I anticipated, and I lowered his boxer briefs to his knees. His position had him eye-level with Monica. I’d picked it specifically for that reason. She had to see her Daddy punished for the way he neglected her, refusing to acknowledge her when she acted out. I hoped it would help any of her lingering doubts fade. My best hope was for Trey’s reluctance to fade as well.

“Oh, Trey.” She clucked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “You are so very lucky you can’t see Sam’s face.”

“For the rest of the night, you can call me Sir or you can call me Daddy,” he chastised. “Your bottom can’t handle another round with the paddle, sweetheart. That means I’d have to get extremely creative with my tactics.”

Monica had a glint in her eyes that made me think she was going to brat. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as if she had several naughty ideas running through her head. She leaned close until the front of her body pressed against my shins. I thought I'd make a guess, and hopefully prevent whatever she was about to say.

“If you’re going to make a comment about Trey being over my lap and having a hard time being respectful while he’s in this position, then you’re going to be next. If that’s what you’re pushing for, go on. I didn’t want to make it truly uncomfortable for you to sit down tonight… but I will.”

“Please don’t give me a spanking. I’d never say anything to embarrass my Daddy. I just wanted to offer some suggestions.”

Ah. I had misread her, but we were about five minutes into a relationship. It was bound to happen. “Very good, darling.”

“What are those suggestions, jellybean?” Trey patted her head.

“Um, whenever I’m being punished, I think about what my thought process was during my transgression. Most of the time, like ninety-nine percent of the time for me, it’s simply a call to action. Er, maybe a call for attention. I’m also getting turned on seeing you in such a vulnerable position. Again, I’m not saying I want you to be sore, Sir. But I can’t help it.”

“Thank you for being honest with me. I’ll keep all that in mind.” Trey returned his arm to the couch.

I traced my hand along his shoulders. I needed to stay on track, but I wanted to explore the rest of his body. Once I made him come, I’d trace my tongue over the gorgeous curves of Monica’s body. Then the two of them could take turns sucking me off before we engaged in a threesome. Rein yourself in, man.

“You’re getting twenty, Trey. My hand isn’t light, and you have received no physical correction prior.”

“I appreciate that.”

“What’s your safeword?”

“I’ve never had one before. How about monocle?”

“While I appreciate the creativity, food is usually a better choice. Something simple.”

“Hors d’oeuvres.”

“Pick something easy to remember, Trey.”

“My safeword is pistachios,” Monica announced. “I used to steal huge handfuls of them from an enormous dish in the den. My father loved them so much and he would tell me they weren’t for little kids. Well, one day I swear I ate like the whole bowl and I claimed I didn’t. My mother tried to get me out of trouble, but my hands were pink from the shells!”

Seeing her face light up from the silly memory filled me with happiness that it did not overshadow her entire childhood in grief.

“I’m not using nuts as my safeword.” Trey blew out a breath as he adjusted himself on my lap, likely trying to get into a comfortable position.

“I love all kinds of nuts!” Monica urged.