Sam had also gone from an impartial observer to an active participant. That knowledge brought me a great deal of satisfaction and renewed my senses. His presence, the things he hinted at in our moment alone, brought me hope. Hope that we will be able to weather the storm after all. We’d be better than all right. The three of us would find a perfect balance together.

Chapter 3


* * *

Trey sank deeper into the cushions as we sat on the couch, allowing Monica to have her time in the corner. He obviously had a lot of crap working through his brain. Trey had to bear the weight of the world alone and deserved a release. Still, I had to play my cards strategically or he might balk and refuse to go along with what I had in mind. Trey closed his eyes. As much as I wanted to allow him to get some well-deserved sleep in the form of a nap, it was more important to establish our relationship now. I nudged his shoulder, and he blinked at me.

“It seems to me you haven’t been fulfilling your promises to Monica. She mentioned earlier that she’s broken multiple rules, but there were no repercussions. Is that true?”

Trey side-eyed me. “Yeah.”

“When you embark into a dominant and submissive relationship–”

“You don’t have to school me on how badly I messed up here, Sam. I’m aware.”

“How about you change your tone?”

That shook him out of whatever fog his head was in. Trey crossed his arms over his chest, cocking his head to the side and glaring. “I haven’t agreed to anything, man, so I can speak however I please. You aren’t the boss.”

Despite the less than respectful way he spoke to me, I wished I had a camera to capture the gorgeous flush that filled his face. The knowledge that I made him a bit flustered fueled my fire. He could act nonchalant, like he hadn’t been mulling over possibilities in his head, but the color on his cheeks spoke volumes about his true feelings. I had a creative way to handle his sass, spanking him with his own paddle, but I needed to choose deliberate words to spin this correctly.

“Of course, you can speak freely. However, I’d like a more respectful tone for the conversation we’re about to have.”

Trey darted his eyes to the corner. “If Monica is involved, we need to wait until she is here.”

“She can hear us just fine.” I plucked the maple-wood paddle from the coffee table and turned it over in my hand, inspecting it. I let Trey stew for a minute as he watched.

“It’s hand-crafted,” he offered. “My buddy, Lane, makes them in his spare time.”

Trey offered details on the implement as if trying to break the spell I’d been weaving, hypnotizing him with the action.

“Has anyone ever spanked you?” I intended for the question to be gently probing, but the thought of flipping him across my thighs and punishing him brought it out as more of a growled threat.

Trey ran a hand across his lips. “No, Sam. I haven’t been spanked.”

“But you want to be, Daddy. Right?” Monica asked from her spot in the corner.

Trey stood and collected her. I had an idea it was more of a way to put distance between himself and my question, but I said nothing and allowed them the moment.

“It’s more than a spanking, babygirl, but you’re correct. I’m sorry we nearly broke up before I’d say it. I’ve been needing more than I could admit to you. Well, it’s more that I haven’t been able to admit to myself. “

“Thanks for saying that, Daddy,” she cooed. “I forgive you and I love you.”

“I love you.”

He walked her back to the couch and pushed the coffee table to the side. I was about to reduce him to the same sniffling mess as Monica.

I hoped it would help the three of us get to our destination quickly and minimize any issues. I wanted us to be together by the end of the night. Trey wiped away the last of her tears and tapped the floor with his foot. She knelt, touching his hand as she got comfortable. Good. She’d have a front-row seat for my plan.

Monica frowned. “Oh, I don’t like the look on your face, Sam.”

“Relax, sweetheart.” I tried to keep a smile off my lips and failed.

“You’re looking like the cat who’s about to eat the canary.”

“Trey handled your consequences just fine, but he and I have some things to discuss.”