Sam released one of my legs long enough to smack either side of my butt hard. I wasn’t being respectful while in my current position, even though he was joking around. His swats hurt more than I imagined they typically would, since my bottom was already so tender.

“I meant on a horse, Monica. Mind your sass.”

“You mind it.”

Sam whistled. Damn. I wished I could see the look that the two men likely exchanged over my head.

“Oh, sweetheart. When your Daddy’s finished, you’ll be too sore for my hand. I’ll take a rain check and we’ll add it to our discussion.”

I liked our conversation topics less than I had before my punishment from Trey started. I stayed quiet for once.

“I don’t envy that conversation, jellybean,” Trey mused.

My mouth had already written enough checks that my ass couldn’t cash. I made the mistake of glancing over my shoulder. Sam was on his knees behind me, the new position giving him leverage to ensure my compliance. I had zero wiggle room, which meant it forced me into one spot. I reached behind me and touched his thigh.

“I’m sorry, Sir,” I offered sweetly, hoping to get on his good side. I had no clue if it was a title he wanted to be called. Sam leaned across my body and planted a kiss on my right bottom cheek. His lips tickled my skin, but even the light touch made me gasp. Sam ran a finger along the seam of my pussy, teasing me but not entering. I mewed, practically begging for him to continue.

“Sensitive there, aren’t you, sweetheart?”

“Duh, Sam.”

“Keep the title.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Please continue, Trey. I’ll ensure our little brat doesn’t go anywhere.”

I would play that line in my head over and over for the rest of my life. Our brat. Not your brat. Ours. Whimpering slightly, I faced forward, not wanting to see what was next.

“I appreciate the extra hands,” Trey said darkly. “Two more on your right, darling.”

I braced for them, reminding myself how my poor behavior and repeated actions led me to this exact outcome. Both blows landed with precision, hard enough to take my breath away.

Everything closed in on me, all the poor decisions. There were so many people in our circle of friends who could have led us in a better direction. My sister Marissa was in a throuple. She could have given me some advice or asked Jesse or Tate. My best friend Kendall was in a throuple with Trey’s brother, Grant, and our friend, Dalton. I didn’t keep secrets from my bestie or my sister. They both could have offered suggestions instead of me pushing all the emotions into my tummy and getting more upset each day.

The more I thought about my transgressions and the mess I made, the harder I cried. Soon I was sobbing. Trey rubbed my head, allowing me a few minutes. It wasn’t just the pain from the paddle, though it hurt. No, it was Trey’s reaction and his handling. He finally stepped up. It was everything I wanted from him and more.

I wiped my eyes. Trey planted a few kisses on my shoulder. “I’m ready, Daddy. I forgot how much it hurts.”

“It’s going to get worse before it gets better, darling. Settle in.”

Trey repeated the pattern on my left side. He lined up the paddle with my left bottom cheek, cracking the maple implement against it several times in a row. He never lost count. A fresh round of tears dripped from my eyes and my body pushed into the pain. His immediate addressing of the punishment I deserved was the correct choice. My thighs didn’t agree with my assessment as my left upper thigh was now as sore as the other, but it eased so much stress from my shoulders. I’d acted out so many times, and Trey would not let my antics go unpunished anymore.

Trey finished the last few without fanfare. Sam shifted behind me, releasing my legs.

The fall from the ATV took more out of me than I realized, not physically but mentally adding one more thing. Combined with my burning tail, every part of me ached. I wanted to ask if an orgasm was on my horizon, but I dared not utter a peep. I took a quick look at Sam, who was reclining against the couch, his arm hanging casually as if he was watching a sports game on the TV instead of me. Trey brought me against his chest, wrapping his arms around me. As soon as I curled into him, the tears fell. I was sick of crying, but it was exactly what I needed. He whispered sweet things into my ear as he rocked me. Sam added his hand on my shoulder and finally the world stopped spinning. They comforted me as I purged the last of my yucky feelings. I gave a shuddering breath as the tears slowed, then stopped. Trey slowly slid me off his lap. He stood me in front of the couch, dancing my panties to the floor and helping me step out.

“I’m sore and achy, Daddy.”

Trey gestured to the small spot by the bookshelf where the two walls met. “I know, babygirl. Go stand in the corner until I say.”

“Yes, Daddy.” I shuffled to the corner. Each step jarred my bottom, igniting little sparks of pain that melted into pleasure. I had a love/hate relationship with the corner. Sometimes staring into a tiny space stopped my mind from spiraling further down the rabbit hole, while other times it was the only tool that truly calmed me. I pressed my nose into the wall and laced my fingers together behind my back.

“You look so beautiful,” Trey said with a smile I could hear even if I couldn’t turn to see it. “Your cute little bottom is as pink as I’ve ever seen it.”

“Thank you for spanking me, Daddy.” I loved his praise and the sweet remark about my body kept the spiraling at bay.

“You’re welcome, darling.”