“You’re right,” I confirmed. It was hard to remember, but it was true. Things took a turn for the worse a month later.

“I’ll be damned if I watch it fall apart because you forgot how to talk to each other.”

Sam offered more than a glimmer of hope, but was it too late? I had to believe Sam would keep his promise and yet it was a tough pill to swallow. He hadn’t been in a relationship in a while. I also did not know how he handled rules and such or why he even cared. Trey and I also had not discussed inviting Sam into our relationship. Trey danced around the topic, avoiding the conversation. I hadn’t thought to talk to Sam directly and hindsight was twenty-twenty. “What if Trey doesn’t want to be in a throuple?”

“I’m very convincing, sweetheart.”

Sam slowly let go of me. I wanted to talk more to him about dynamics, but Trey returned to the living room. Butterflies swarmed my tummy. The way he walked with his jaw set in determination made me excited and anxious at the same time. Then I saw him carrying a honey-colored hairbrush-shaped paddle. I hated maple wood more than any other implement in his collection. Shit. I wasn’t looking forward to getting punished in front of Sam. After goading Trey for the past few weeks, I deserved the repercussions, but never imagined them being dished out in this way.

“I’m sorry for riding off and making the two of you chase me,” I babbled as Trey joined us on the couch. “And for everything else. I know I’ve been lashing out, but I really didn’t think you’d respond like this and I’m nervous, Sir.”

“Take a deep breath, darling.”

I inhaled deeply, letting it out slowly. I did it a few times. Trey took one of my hands and Sam took the other. Their calm, even breaths helped my nerves settle.

“I’ve never had an audience,” I managed.

“You acted up in front of Sam and caused him to spend a lot of time running after you. You’ll get twenty on each side. Once your bottom is hot and pink, you can stand in the corner.”

Trey punished me occasionally with the paddle, but it had been a long time. His resolve tightened something deep inside of me. He was finally acting like the man I’d fallen in love with. Was it Sam’s presence bringing out this super stern Daddy side of Trey?

Studying his face, I noticed bags under his eyes. Guilt suddenly knotted my stomach, chasing away the butterflies. He was not in a suitable space despite his best effort to handle me the way I’d been begging for. Trey would benefit from Sam being in charge. It would be great if Trey agreed.

“One more thing. Is Sam okay with this?” I threw out a last-ditch effort to have a private conversation.

“Sam is okay with this,” Sam answered playfully and waggled his eyebrows.

He was such a goofball. His casual, laid-back attitude and verbal consent cleared the rest of my hesitations from my mind. I climbed across Trey’s lap, a place I was inherently familiar with. My body relaxed into his muscled thighs. It was like coming home. Trey kissed my shoulder blade.

“I’ll count this time.”

“Thank you, Daddy.” Calling him a title that typically came out when I was in a younger mindset gave me pause. He hadn’t been acting like my Daddy lately, but it seemed right at that moment.

Trey lowered my panties to my thighs, exposing all of me to Sam. Our friend was getting more than an eyeful. I tried not to think of the picture I was presenting to him – bottoms up awaiting correction from Trey’s hand. Then the paddle came down. The pain drew me completely into the moment without time to think. He targeted my right bottom cheek first, calling out each strike and landing several in a row without pause. I breathed through the punishment, readying myself for the next set to hit my left side, but he continued smacking the paddle against the right instead.

“Ouch! Ouch! You never do it like this!” I kicked my legs out. It hurt so much more than I expected. I tried to shift, but Sam grabbed the lower part of my body, his hands keeping me in place.

“You poked pretty hard today, sweetheart,” Sam whispered. “You were told how this is going to go. Stay still.”

Sam’s low rumbling tone stroked against my sex as if he touched me there. It mortified me. My ass was likely reddening under the awful maple paddle. Worse than that, Sam was turning me on just as much as Trey.

“Are you going to spank me, too?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“I’m not planning on it tonight. We have some things to discuss before that happens.”

Reality was sinking in. My pussy pulsed from the twang of authority laced in his words. Wanting two men to keep me in line, helping me mind the rules and take care of myself, sounded a lot better in my head. Sam’s logic made it seem like our new relationship status was a sure bet, but we hadn’t put it down on paper. Trey slapped the paddle on my upper right thigh and the pain broke through my thoughts. I figured out his pattern, and I wanted nothing to do with it.

“Ouch times a million, Sir!”

Trey paused his onslaught and kneaded his fingers into my warmed skin. The gesture wasn’t soothing, and the pressure amped my arousal.

“Did you ever tell me you couldn’t ride a horse, darling? It’s a skill I could have taught you before hiring you. Then you wouldn’t have had an issue today.”

Nothing would have kept me from securing a job at the ranch, not even a horse! I dabbed at my eyes, brushing away a few stray tears. “No, Sir. I wasn’t attempting to keep it a secret. I’d have done anything to work here with you. I’m sorry for not thinking about the consequences.”

“I can give you riding lessons, sweetheart,” Sam said, chuckling.

“I’ll bet you could, but you’re not helping right now!”