“I can write you a ticket for unlawful operation of a vehicle or you can bend over the truck of my car and I’ll spank your insolent little bottom for acting recklessly.”

Her eyes widened as she stared, her huge green eyes cloudy as she processed the options. Monica glanced at Trey quickly before returning her attention to me. “Um. I guess you can spank me.”

“No way. Monica is my responsibility,” Trey interjected.

Something about his tone made him seem eager to lay himself across the trunk of my car. I quickly noted his crossed arms and the hand on his mouth. Monica had been the one needing guidance and yet Trey seemed hellbent on securing my attention as well. “So, for letting her get into trouble, I should spank you instead?”

Trey regarded me with interest, as if he was trying to figure out if I was kidding. His honey-brown eyes darkened, and he chewed on his bottom lip. If I was the betting type, I’d put money on the notion that the thought of me punishing his muscled ass turned him on. Before he could answer me, Monica shook her head so hard her ponytail whipped her in the face.

“Absolutely not!” Monica pointed at herself. “I deserve consequences for my actions. Trey has nothing to do with it.”

“Yes, darling. I agree.” Trey’s tone deepened as he spoke. “And you will get them by mucking out the stalls and handling extra tasks today.”

“I don’t want extra chores! I can barely handle the ones you’ve already assigned to me. Have you forgotten everything I said? Or were you even listening?” Monica’s voice had been rising since the first word and by the end, she was yelling, fire blazing in her eyes.

Rubbing my hand along the scruff of my goatee, I glanced at Trey. The two of them could both use some sorting out before their disconnect pried them further apart. It was only a guess, but my observation skills were typically on point. Something my time on patrol had taught me.

I’d been around her a lot over the years. I considered us friends, but I couldn’t remember her throwing a fit quite like this. Monica could use a firm hand liberally applied to her backside. I thought Trey had a handle on it, but he kept throwing glances my way, as if asking for help.

“Pause.” I held my hands up.

“No!” Monica kicked the ground. “I’ve done everything you have asked of me, Trey. At least to the best of my ability,” she kept ranting. “I’m falling behind on work. None of the tasks are complete because you’re just piling on the chores while you sit around doing nothing!” She broke off there to catch her breath, but couldn’t stand still, her fingers digging at her biceps and boots scuffing at the ground

“Monica…” Trey shook his head, clearly not wanting to fight. His passivity did not help the situation.

“No, you listen to me, Trey. I’ve broken every single fucking rule! Yet you haven’t batted an eye. I thought we were getting somewhere the other day, but you obviously don’t give a shit. We’re done!”

“We are not breaking up.” Trey took a step toward her.

“Yes, we are.” Monica flipped him off with both of her middle fingers. She hopped onto the ATV sitting in the grass, started the engine and took off.

Trey pushed his hat off and jabbed his fingers through his hair before placing it back on his head. “That vehicle is barely functioning, Sam. There’s a quarter tank of gas, but the engine could seize.”

“Let’s go.”

“She wants nothing to do with me.”

“Regardless of her epic tantrum, we need to bring her back here.” I stated the obvious, hoping he would take the lead, at least on this. It was becoming clear that he needed someone to step in and take some pressure off his shoulders. Trey had burned himself out. I didn’t think it was just from their relationship, but from everything. Trey needed a break, but wanted to keep his job and girlfriend.

Trey let out a breath. “Right. Of course. I’ve got two more ATVs in the barn.”

Minutes later, we were on the path heading toward Monica. I hoped by the time we reached her, we could safely get her off the vehicle and back to the ranch unscathed.


* * *

Thunder boomed over our heads. We reached the edge of the dirt path, which would lead us deeper into the woods, and the skies opened. This day was just getting better and better.

As I rounded a curve, I saw the ATV stalled in the middle of the path. Monica sat huddled in a small patch of grass, hugging her arms. I killed the engine and jogged to her. Sam followed me. Her eyes drooped with sadness and she looked as destitute as I felt.

“Did you hurt yourself, darling?”

“Like you care.”

I crouched next to her, checking her body for injuries. Satisfied that she was okay physically, I held my hands out to her. “Come on. We need to get out of the rain.”

“Oh, now you give a shit about my well-being?” She scoffed and huddled up tighter. “Leave me alone.”