Screams of pleasure joined his as the two obeyed. Sammy’s body bucked hard as his cock erupted, the walls of his ass tightening like a vise around his Daddy’s cock as they both jetted at the same time. Sperm flowed over Jackson’s fingers as he listened to Maxie’s garbled cries of ecstasy as Sammy continued to lick and nibble at what Jackson knew had to be an extremely sensitive little kitty. With a final pulse, he filled the condom and barely managed not to fall forward. He wasn’t worried about crushing Sammy but knew their combined weight would be too much for Maxie to take… especially after being trapped under a stack of boards earlier.

Instead, he pulled back, slowly pulling his cock free. Taking care of the condom, he tied the end before bending down to kiss Sammy’s buttock.

“That was so good, thank you, Daddy,” Sammy said, turning his head to look back over his shoulder.

“Thank you,” Jackson returned. He gave Maxie a smile when she managed to open her eyes enough to seek him out as he slid from the bed. When she gave a soft whine, he turned back. “Don’t worry, I’ll be right back.”


“Yes, babygirl, I promise,” Jackson reassured her before heading toward the bathroom.

“It’s Daddy’s bed, remember, silly girl?” Sammy teased, flopping onto his back beside her.

Jackson turned back to see him take her hand and give her fingers a kiss. Before Jackson crossed the threshold, his heart swelled with Sammy’s next words.

“I think we’re finally home.”

“I think you’re right,” Maxie agreed, kissing Sammy’s knuckles as well.

“I know you’re both home,” Jackson said without a doubt in his mind as he finally left them. It only took a few minutes, but it still felt like far too much time had passed by the time Jackson had cleaned himself up and run a washcloth under warm water in preparation of cleaning both his Little ones before they settled into bed to have a much deeper discussion than the few words they’d shared before the three had given in to their carnal needs. However, once he was standing at the side of the bed, he knew he had indeed taken too long. Both of his loves were sound asleep, their hands still clasped.

Jackson smiled and admitted that he didn’t really care about putting the cart before the horse. He wouldn’t have changed a thing about the night’s events. They could talk over breakfast just as easily. He didn’t wake them but managed to run the cloth over tender skin, cleaning away the evidence of their lovemaking. He then crossed the room to toss the cloth into the hamper before turning out the lights. Back at the bed, he carefully drew back the covers on one side of the bed before walking around to the other side and pulling them back as well. Only when he had enough of the sheet showing did he lift Sammy to slide him beneath the covers. Maxie’s lips formed a pout as his fingers came free of hers.

“Shhh, you’re okay,” Jackson said as he walked back around the bed and climbed in and then over her prone form. Kneeling, he lifted her and once she was also tucked in, he settled between them, pulling both to his sides, needing them close.

“Night, Daddy,” Sammy mumbled softly.

“Good night, Sammy,” Jackson returned, turning to place a kiss on top of his head. “Good night, Maxie,” he added, giving the auburn curls a kiss as well. Though Maxie didn’t answer as she was already asleep, the fact that she snuggled in just a little closer was enough.

About Maggie Ryan

Maggie Ryan is a USA TODAY multi-published and Amazon Top 100 bestselling author. She loves flirting with the forbidden to bring you stories about strong, stern alpha males and sassy, capable women. Maggie believes life without a bit of fire and a dash of spice isn’t worth living. She hopes you will curl up in your favorite chair and take the journey with her. Happy Reading!

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