“I can’t either,” she admitted and then turned her gaze to Jackson. “But, I’m not really sorry. I really, really want to save a horse and ride a cowboy.”

And that was all it took for the trio to burst into laughter. The elephant in the room, or rather the horse in this case, had been acknowledged. Any question that there was going to be sex evaporated when Jackson hugged her to him. “Yes, little girl, you can definitely have a ride.” Drawing Sammy to him as well, he added, “And, little boy, you’ll finally get a chance to come when Daddy rides you. How does that sound?”

“Like heaven,” they both chorused before Sammy picked up the slice he’d dropped and said, “I’m gonna need some energy,” before lifting the slice high. Max picked hers up, tapped it against his and together, they took bites and chewed with smiles on their faces and eyes bright with the anticipation of the pleasure to come.

Chapter 7

Jackson was not one to leave dishes undone, but tonight called for an exception. Putting the last two slices of pizza in the fridge, he helped both his Littles down when they patted their mouths with their napkins, looked at each other and nodded. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to understand they were primed and about out of patience. Taking their hands, he led them out of the kitchen.

“How about a tour?” he asked.

“Daddy!” they exclaimed.

“Tour later, sex now,” Sammy said, cutting to the chase.

“Agreed,” Maxine said, skipping ahead and tugging on Jackson’s hand. “You’ve been winding us all night, Daddy. I’m about to pop!”

Jackson chuckled. “Are you now?”

“Yes, and so is Sammy!”

“How do you know that?” Jackson teased.

In answer, she simply pointed at the front of the shirt Sammy was wearing. It was definitely tented, giving proof of her statement.

Jackson felt his balls drawing up and said a quick prayer that he hadn’t waited so long that he wouldn’t be able to hold off his own climax. He nodded and led them straight to his bedroom and to his extra-large king size bed. Maxine squealed when he lifted her to gently toss her into the center of the mattress as Sammy climbed up to join her. Both immediately knelt up, sitting back on their heels, their attention riveted on him.

“I know we would all rather just get to it, but I do want to assure you that I’m clean and that I have no intention of making this a one-night stand. If either of you aren’t interested in the three of us developing a lasting relationship together, then I need to know now.”

“Oh, we’re very interested,” Sammy assured him.

“And we’re both clean too and I’m on birth control,” Maxine added.

“In that case, arms up,” he said with a smile when their arms shot up into the air. He quickly rid them of the t-shirts, the sight of these two special human beings filling his heart.

“Your turn, Daddy,” Sammy said, gesturing toward the clothes concealing him from their view.

“Right, it’s time for you to get naked, too,” Maxine stated unequivocally.

Still, Jackson was the Daddy here. “First, get those legs apart and hands behind your backs. Daddy wants to have a nice view as he disrobes.”

Knees shuffled and arms moved as they obeyed. Sammy’s dick stood quivering in need and Maxine’s inner thighs were both glistening with her arousal.

“Tell me,” Jackson said as he pulled his shirt off, not missing the gasps of approval as they saw his bare chest for the first time. “Do you confine your play to apparatuses or is there sex involved?”

“There’s sex,” Sammy said. “I mean, we might be Littles, but we have needs!”

“Especially after we’ve read some hot scene in one of our books,” Maxine added. “You’d have to be made out of stone not to need release when a Daddy has his Little over his knees—”

“Or on his knees before him,” Sammy interrupted to say.

“Is that a problem, Daddy?” Maxine asked. “It doesn’t mean we don’t want you. It just means we haven’t had you in our lives to… you know—”

“Fuck us into oblivion,” Sammy again cut her off.

“I was going to say, take care of us,” Maxine said, pulling her arm from behind her back in order to slap at his thigh. “Good grief, you’re gonna make him think we’re sex-crazed or something.”

“I am sex-crazed,” Sammy said, shrugging off her concern. “And it’s all his fault,” he clarified, pointing at Jackson who stood simply enjoying their exchange. With a frown, Sammy said, “You’re still dressed, Daddy.”