“Ready?” he asked, the question proving unneeded as Sammy’s feet came together and his legs spread widely before the word was completely uttered. Shaking the can, Jackson took the time to bend down and whisper softly, “You will not come, understand?”

“I’ll try not to, but it’s gonna be hard,” Sammy said and then blushed when Jackson chuckled. “You know what I meant!”

“I do,” Jackson acknowledged when the Little’s protest was accompanied by the cutest pout he’d ever seen. “Be a good boy and hold off. I promise when I do give you permission to come for me, the wait will be worth it.”

Though Sammy looked rather dubious, he nodded and Jackson saw him bracing himself, closing his eyes, his lips moving.

Was he talking about slugs? Jackson wondered and then concentrated on his task. It was just as pleasurable slipping his hands up and down Sammy’s shaft as it had been sliding them through Maxine’s kitty. He’d known he was attracted to both men and women since he’d first discovered sex. He saw no reason to deny himself the pleasures provided by half the human race and took advantage of the gifts both genders offered. Shaving Sammy’s sex was faster though he still took care as his balls were given the same attention until Jackson’s fingers encountered nothing but smooth flesh as he cradled them.

“Okay, legs up and cheeks spread,” he instructed as he again shook the can. Having witnessed Maxie assuming the proper position, Sammy soon has his ass cheeks spread apart, offering his anus to the razor. A couple of swipes, a dab of the warm cloth to wipe remaining lather away, and Jackson once again bent to place a kiss on a hole he couldn’t wait to sink into.

“Good boy,” he praised as he guided Sammy’s legs back to the floor. “Now, both of you up. Let’s get you dried, your hair combed, and dressed. Then our snack should be ready.”

“What are we having?” Maxine asked as he helped her to her feet.

“Pizza,” Jackson said earning himself dual cheers of appreciation.

Wet hair, toweled dried and combed free of tangles, hung down Maxie’s back and curled around Sammy’s ears as arms were lifted to accept the t-shirts Jackson had brought into the bathroom. His shirt looked like a dress on Max and was several sizes too large for Sammy, but he loved the fact they both ran their hands down the fabric with smiles. They only faltered when they realized he hadn’t offered either of them underwear.

“Daddy, you forgot panties,” Maxine pointed out.

“I didn’t forget,” Jackson corrected. “Daddy loves knowing his Little ones are bare beneath his shirts. Now, who’s ready for pizza?”

The two looked at each other and then shrugged as if going commando wasn’t that worrisome. “I could eat a horse,” Sammy declared.

“Ewww, whoever heard of horse pizza?” Maxie asked with her nose crinkled.

Jackson chuckled and took their hands, leading them into the large kitchen. He pulled out two barstools at the island and lifted them to sit before moving to the oven.

“You sure do rustle up some good-smelling food,” Sammy said as the aroma of pepperoni and sausage filled the room once he’d opened the oven’s door.

Max giggled. “Are you a real cowboy, Daddy?”

“Not in a true sense of the word, though my family has a ranch out in west Texas,” Jackson said, sliding slices onto plates he’d already set before them. “Careful, it’s hot,” he warned when Sammy immediately reached for his plate. Instead of picking up the slice, Jackson watched as he swapped plates with Max who had the smallest slice of them all.

When Maxie thanked him, Sammy grinned and looked up at Jackson who asked, “I thought you were hungry enough to eat a horse.”

“I am, but even though Maxie is small, she can outeat me any day.”

“Seriously?” Jackson said, not seeing how that could be possible.

“As a heart attack,” Sammy assured him, picking up his slice. “She’s got the metabolism of the Energizer Bunny.”

Maxine giggled and shrugged. “He’s not wrong,” she admitted. “It’s my genes I guess.”

After transferring a slice to his own plate, Jackson filled their glasses with milk and his own with water before sliding onto a stool across from them.

“Did you ride horses?” Sammy asked, looking up from where he’d been blowing across the surface of his slice to cool it.

“I sure did,” Jackson said with a nod. “My dad keeps a herd of cattle and all of us learned to ride and rope from the time we could walk.”

“That’s cool, maybe you can teach us to ride,” Sammy said before deciding his pizza was cool enough and taking a huge bite.

“Forget horses, can I ride you, Daddy?”

Maxine’s question had Sammy choking and Jackson jumping up to pound his palm against his back while Maxine’s face turned crimson.

“I’m okay,” Sammy sputtered, reaching for his glass. Taking a long sip, he turned to stare wide-eyed at Max. “Wow, I can’t believe you said that out loud.”