“Good, okay, back into position, please.” When she scooted off his lap after a final hug given to Sammy, he then wiped Sammy’s face and kissed his nose as well. “Ready?”

“Yes, Daddy,” Sammy said.

Jackson had the feeling he meant his words sincerely. Helping the young man off his lap, he kept his hand in his as he instructed his naughty Little boy to ask for his spanking.

Taking a deep breath, Sammy exhaled and said, “I’m really sorry. Please, Daddy, may I have my spanking now?”

“You may,” Jackson said, guiding Sammy over his lap. Once the young man had planted his palms flat on the floor in front of him, his toes touching the floor behind, his pale bottom directly over his Daddy’s lap, Jackson ran his hand over his buttocks. “I won’t have you count these, but next time you disregard your safety, you’ll be counting out loud and thanking me for the dozen strokes of my belt that will earn you.”

“Yes, Sir,” Sammy said, his buttocks clenching at the promise.

That was all the words Jackson had to say. He lifted his hand and began, each slap against Sammy’s bare bottom sounding sharp in the air. It took two complete rounds before Sammy began to whimper and another before his feet began to dance.

“Daddy! That hurts!”

“It’s a spanking, Samuel. It’s supposed to hurt,” Jackson said, never missing a beat as he continued to pepper strokes all over his naughty boy’s bottom. Wails sounded when he directed the next set to the wonderfully sensitive crease where butt met thigh. When the next dozen strokes were placed on the back of Sammy’s thighs, the young man began sobbing, his body arching with the shock of it all before going completely limp over Jackson’s lap.

Gasps of barely coherent apologies came out tangled up with sobs as Jackson began running his hand over the flesh that he’d indeed reddened and gave off a heat that spoke of a job well done.

“Shhh, it’s over now,” Jackson said softly. “Daddy’s got you.” He allowed the sobs to slow until they became the occasional hiccup before he drew the young man up and into his arms.

“Ouch,” Sammy said as his poor punished butt took his weight.

Jackson might have felt more sympathetic if Sammy’s actions hadn’t earned him that spanking or the fact that his cock was standing out proudly from its nest of curls. His Little boy might be in a bit of pain, but he wasn’t harmed in the least. Sammy looked up and saw Jackson smiling down at him.

“Thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome, little one.” Bending, he brushed his lips across Sammy’s, his own cock twitching as the young man gasped in pleasure. Knowing he still had a little miscreant to attend to, Jackson kept the kiss brief but took a small nip of Sammy’s bottom lip before pulling back.

“Your turn,” he said, nodding toward where Maxine sat, her eyes wide as she watched them both. “Sit back like Maxie, legs spread wide, hands open and on your thighs while I give your sister her spanking.”

“Yes, Sir,” Sammy said with a grin at the word “sister”. Once he had knelt and then gingerly settled his sore posterior on his calves, Maxine stood and slowly approached Jackson.

It was clear she’d paid close attention because she stood at his right side, her hands wringing a bit before dropping to her sides as if she were unsure if she’d get in trouble. Jackson smiled and took her hand in his, giving it a squeeze. She didn’t even wait for him to guide her. Instead, she immediately began making her apology.

“I’m really, really sorry about everything. I was stupid not to consider how dangerous the whole thing was. I don’t care if I was hurt, I deserved it, but if you hadn’t found Sammy and he just hung there for days and days and days…”

She burst into sobs that shook her entire body. Jackson instantly wrapped his arms around her pulling her close. “Shhh, it’s okay, sweetheart. Sammy is fine. He’s safe and so are you. Nobody deserved to get hurt. It wasn’t smart, but you aren’t stupid either. I’m quite sure it won’t ever happen again.”

“It won’t!” she wailed. “I promise.”

Jackson believed she meant every word and made a note to make sure that she hadn’t been so traumatized that she’d not wish to continue to play or explore. He’d also make sure she’d do so safely. Once she settled, he didn’t bother to stand her on her feet again. Instead, he simply slid back on the couch, lifted her and flipped her to lay facedown across his knees, grinning when her gasp told of her surprise at his being able to do so easily.

Having remembered the doctor’s suggestion, instead of her hanging over his knees, her legs were supported by the couch cushions behind her, her torso lay on the cushion on his other side. He was immensely pleased when she said, “Please, Daddy, may I have my spanking, now?”

“Yes, little one, you may,” he said. “You may either put your hands under your cheek or I’ll hold them for you.” When her hands reached back, he took them both in one of his, using his other hand to tug her a bit more snugly to his body. “Comfortable?”

She gave a nervous giggle at the question, but answered, “Yes, thank you, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome, babygirl.” Jackson didn’t go easy on her though he was conscious she was smaller than Sammy. That didn’t mean she’d be getting up with a bottom any less red than her brother’s. Jackson peppered her globes in no discernible pattern, not allowing her to guess where the next stroke would land. She was soon bucking and writhing, her legs kicking like she was doing the breast stroke in an attempt to swim off his lap. With her hands held securely in his own, it was a foiled attempt that did nothing but exhaust her quickly. Soon she was sobbing hard, going as limp as a noodle.

Jackson made sure to impress upon her he meant business by giving each of her sit spots their own spanking, her plump bottom bouncing and wobbling with each smack of her tender flesh. Her shrieks were mournful and quite loud when he spanked her thighs, but like Sammy, all her cries and promises of the best behavior forever if only the spanking stopped were belied by the tell-tale glistening he could see coating her inner things. His little one could protest all she wanted, but the spanking was also turning her on.

She took longer to calm as he rubbed her blistered nates with his hand, each palm almost capable of covering an entire globe. When she too was in the hiccupping stage, he lifted her to sit on his lap and was happy when she instantly clung to him like a spider monkey, burying her face in his shirt.

“Shh, all is forgiven, little one,” Jackson assured her, lifting her face with a finger under her chin. “I’m sure you’re going to be a good girl from now on.”

“I will, Daddy. I’m never ever going to be naughty again.”