Sammy’s lips curled in a grin as he gave her a small bow. “Forgive me. I meant she is extremely vertically challenged so she had to climb onto the boards to reach.”

“I see,” Jackson said, easily visualizing the scene. Maxine stood about five-two to Sammy’s five-ten, both far short of his own six-foot-three height. Though Maxie had a very small frame, she had generous curves in all the right places to declare her petite but definitely all woman. He was also pleased to know the two couldn’t be too worried about what they were facing if they were still able to tease one another. “In that case, I guess you’ve won the toss.” Jackson held out his hand as he moved to sit on the edge of the couch.

Taking it, Sammy was guided to stand at his right side. Keeping him in place, Jackson turned to address Maxine. “You may step back a few steps to make sure you won’t accidentally get a foot in the face. That’s it,” he said as she quickly backed up a couple of feet. “Now, kneel down, sit back on your heels, legs spread and your hands on your thighs, palms up.”

Her nose crinkled in that adorable way she had when concentrating or thinking as she followed each direction as he gave it. It was only when he repeated, “Legs spread means I want to see that pretty little kitty, young lady,” that her face began to turn a darker shade of red as she slowly shifted her thighs apart. Once he was satisfied, he nodded.

“Good girl. Now, you will watch but you will not speak or attempt to stop Sammy’s spanking. He’s earned this, and though I promise I will never harm either of you, I also promise that by the time I allow you off my lap, you’ll have absolutely no doubt that you’ve been punished. Is that clear?”

“Yes, Sir, Daddy, Sir. Perfectly clear,” Maxine said, drawing a soft giggle from Sammy, which, in turn, drew a stern gaze from Jackson.

“Sorry, that was just kinda cute,” Sammy said quickly.

Since it was actually very cute, Jackson nodded, letting him off with just the glance. “Now, little boy, tell Daddy why you’re going to be spanked.”

“I let Max tie me up without thinking about it not being a good idea—”

“It’s not that the idea was bad,” Jackson corrected, shocking Sammy if the huge eyes and gaping mouth had anything do with it. Something they’d told him earlier had him considering another question. “You said you didn’t plan on playing tonight, correct?”

“That’s right,” Sammy confirmed.

“And yet you brought restraints and a blindfold to the club?”

“Oh, we’re not fibbing, Daddy,” Maxie inserted quickly. “I, um, found them in a cabinet. I was going to clean them when we were done, I promise.”

“I see, and while that plan was considerate, not stopping to consider the tightness of the restraints, and the fact that you chose to use ones meant to be used by experienced Doms requiring a key to open and not ones that are easily released is the first reason you’re both facing punishment. And, while I’ll be reddening your bottoms for those choices, you’ll still be reimbursing Master Logan for the destruction of the cuffs.”

“Oh, do we really have to tell him?” Maxie asked.

“How would you really feel if you didn’t confess? Master Logan evidently thinks highly of you both and—”

“That’s fair, Daddy,” Sammy said glancing over at Maxie to see her nodding.

“Sammy’s right. We’d feel just awful and guilty every time he even looked at us. We’ll tell him, Sir,” Maxine added.

Jackson was proud of both for owning up to and accepting the price of their choices. “I want you both to understand that wanting to play on the cross isn’t why you’re here. Doing so unsafely definitely is. See the difference?” When they both nodded again, he turned to focus back on Samuel. “You may continue.”

“Um… okay, let me think,” Sammy said, taking the time to do so before speaking again. “I guess the blindfold wasn’t too smart either since Maxie had to climb up on that wood to tie it?”

The fact he’d ended the statement with a rising lilt told Jackson it was more of a question than a confession. Since this was the first time Sammy had made any sort of admission, Jackson nodded. “Your guess is right. It’s vital to always think ahead even if you’re the sub.”

“But isn’t the Dom always in control?” Sammy asked.

“True, but only because the sub has allowed that control. Allowing someone to restrain you and blindfold you, clothed or naked, takes a great deal of trust. Once you were bound to that cross, you weren’t going anywhere until someone released you. I’m thankful it wasn’t worse, but if Maxine had been seriously hurt, think about hanging there for hours on end, unable to see or move, wondering what happened to Maxie.”

“Ohmigod,” Sammy whispered. “That would have been horrible!” His gaze left Jackson’s to turn to where Maxine was sitting, tears sliding down her cheeks. When their eyes met, she leapt up and threw herself at him, the two embracing each other, tears flowing as the what ifs played through their heads.

Jackson slowly drew them both down onto his knees, wrapping his arms around them even as they kept their arms around each other.

“I’m so sorry, I could have killed you!” Maxine sobbed.

“You could have died too!” Sammy sobbed right back.

After several moments, Jackson slid his hands up their backs and gently patted them. “Shhh,” he said softly. “Luckily, neither of you were seriously injured, but let this be a lesson to you both. Safety is the priority in all things. You can explore and experiment and have fun, but if you don’t do it safely, there might be a very high price to pay and I’m not talking about a simple spanking.”

Heads nodded and fingers swiped away tears until Jackson reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. He first wiped Maxine’s cheeks before brushing a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Better?”

“Yes, Sir,” she said.