Jackson smiled. “Must be. Now, anyone concerned about what’s going to happen once we get to my house?”

“Not concerned, really,” Maxine said, her nose crinkling a bit. “But are you going to take us or do we follow you there?”

“You’ll be coming with me. I’ve already given Sammy’s keys to Brad. He’ll have someone deliver the car tomorrow morning. By the time we’re done, I’m sure neither of you will want to sit in a car and bounce about. Hitting one of the city’s famous pot holes certainly wouldn’t be pleasant.”

Sammy’s eyes were as wide as Maxine’s. “That sounds like you plan on spanking us really hard.”

“That’s exactly the plan,” Jackson said. “I don’t take naughtiness lightly, and when it comes to putting yourselves in danger, the sorer your bottoms will be.” Judging from the look the two exchanged, they were a tad unsure of how to respond. “But, know this, after you’ve taken your spankings like the good Littles I know you want to be, Daddy will give you both a bath and then tuck you into bed.”

“Are bubbles involved?” Maxine asked at the same time Sammy asked, “Whose bed?”

“Bubbles will certainly be involved and it will definitely be Daddy’s bed. We’ll discuss setting up rooms for each of you later, but they’ll be used for napping or some alone time when needed. Every night I’ll tuck you into my bed so I can hold you close. How does that sound?”

“Like I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Sammy said, holding out his arm. “Pinch me, Maxie.”

Max reached out and lightly pinched his arm. Giggling she said, “If you’re dreaming then we’re having the same one.” She held out her arm and Sammy returned the favor, pinching her until she gave a little squeal.

Jackson took their hands. “No more pinching. I promise, this is not one of your fantasies.”

“It is,” Sammy insisted. “It’s just one that’s coming true, right, Maxie?”


The three left the club and were soon driving through the night toward Jackson’s house. Maxie practically bounced all the way up the sidewalk to the house.

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a Little so anxious to have her bottom warmed,” Jackson said as he joined them and unlocked the door.

“I think that’s her potty dance, Daddy,” Sammy offered. “When she has to go, she really has to go!”

“Good to know,” Jackson said, leading the two inside and flipping on the light. “Bathroom is down the hall, the door should be—”

“I’ll find it!” Maxie shouted over her shoulder already at the hallway. She disappeared from sight as Jackson turned to disarm the alarm system before resetting it for the night. When he turned back around, it was to discover that Sammy had disappeared. Thinking he’d gone to be with Max, he walked down the hall to find the bathroom door closed and two distinct voices holding a conversation. Deciding that it only made sense for the pair to speak to each other after remaining silent and apart during their corner time, he smiled and left them to it. Returning to the living room, he walked across to the kitchen and pulled out three bottles of water from the refrigerator, setting them on a side table by the couch before he settled on the center cushion to wait.

His Littles didn’t make him wait too long, two heads sticking out around the doorway as if to make sure they were safe to proceed. Seeing him, they came out from the hallway hand in hand. Jackson felt a jolt of longing surge through him, the strength of the sensation surprising him a bit. He’d told Brad he felt good with them, but this went way beyond good. He’d never felt so right about anything before in his life. Not a single relationship he’d had measured up to the joy of seeing these two approaching him with shy smiles and anticipation shining from their eyes. Maxine’s were a soft hazel with gold flecks that paired beautifully with her auburn locks. Sammy’s were as green as jade, his hair the color of chestnuts sung about in Christmas carols. Jackson grinned thinking how appropriate the thought was as he was indeed about to roast the Little boy’s bottom.

“We want to apologize, Daddy,” Sammy started, Maxine’s nod making it clear she was a part of that “we”.

“I’m glad, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” Jackson said, intending to follow his own mantra about beginning how he planned to end. “First, let’s get those pants and panties back down.” He beckoned to Sammy first, who sighed but obediently stepped forward. There was no needless apology given when his dick remained at half-mast once his jeans and briefs were not only pulled down, but completely off after having been relieved of his shoes first. Another gesture had Maxine joining the pair to have her own clothing removed, leaving her in nothing but her t-shirt, bra and socks. Her hands moved to cover her sex but Jackson took them and guided them to her sides.

“There is no hiding from Daddy,” he said firmly. “Naughtiness needs to be brought out into the open and punishment will always be given on the bare. If you don’t want to have your bare bottom and pretty little kitty hanging out in view, then I suggest you behave.”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said softly, shifting her feet a bit but keeping her hands where he’d placed them.

“Same goes for you, Sammy,” Jackson said, watching as the young man’s hands dropped immediately to his sides instead of drifting toward his erection. “No hiding and no touching without permission from me. If I catch fingers playing where they don’t belong, you’ll be finding it difficult to sit comfortably for several days.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Sammy said, his voice trembling just a bit at the visual Jackson had just painted in his head.

“Who wants to go first?”

The two looked at each other and Sammy sighed. “Maxie lost the last toss so I guess it’s my turn.”

“You toss?”

“Yes, we use a poker chip we won when we went over to Louisiana and picked the right number on the roulette wheel,” Maxine said.

“It was Maxie’s twenty-first birthday so we picked twenty-one,” Sammy offered. “I won the flip tonight so I got to be on the cross. That’s why Maxie got hurt. If she’d been the sub, I could have reached the restraints and tied the blindfold easier. I’m not nearly as tall as you are, but she’s so short—”

“Excuse me,” Maxie interrupted. “I’m not short; I’m just a little vertically challenged.”