“I feel good with them,” Jackson acknowledged, glancing back at the pair before giving his attention to Brad. “I think I’ll take you up on that offer. It seems they’re more accustomed to being abandoned than being wanted. I need to make sure they both know I mean to stay. If you can divvy up the rest of the week between you, James, and Sally, that’ll give me some time.”

“Better make it two,” Brad said. “If experience has taught me anything, it’s that if one Little needs to test the boundaries, a pair of them is gonna take more than a week to have them believe their Daddy means business.”

“Good point,” Jackson agreed. “I don’t have all the details yet, but evidently they were hired by Logan to build dungeon furniture.”

“Those two?” Brad said, his disbelief evident in his expression as he again glanced across the room. “They hardly strike me as the construction types.”

“That’s their story. The decision to play as well seems to have been a spontaneous one.”

“What? Spontaneous Littles? Who would have thought?” Brad teased, both men very well aware that spontaneity seemed to be a required characteristic of Littles. “Speaking of Logan and Liz, have you been out to their new place yet? Not the house, but the hotel?” Brad asked.

“Not yet, but now that I’ve got a reason to, I’ll be making reservations.”

Brad laughed, pushed away from the wall and slapped his boss on the back. “You’ll have to tell me all about it over a beer or two.”

“Will do,” Jackson agreed and the two spent the next half hour going through the club room by room to double check every lock on every window and door. On the second floor, they spent some time restacking the boards after moving both sawhorses to a safer location against the far wall. Jackson couldn’t help but think of how lucky Maxine had been as he returned the last nail to the bin that had overturned. Something glinted and he bent again, finding the missing key under a corner of the tarp. Straightening, he looked toward the restraints, ruined from being cut off, making a mental note to inform the culprits they’d be paying a higher price than a mere spanking if they repeated doing anything so careless again.

“Not long now.”

“Did you say something?” Brad asked, dragging the tarp across the room.

Jackson grabbed the corners to help fold it. “Just making notes on what needs to be impressed upon my Little ones,” he said.

Brad grinned. “Impressed huh? Like on their minds?”

“More like on their backsides,” Jackson said. “If it takes a reddened ass every night until their little minds get the message, so be it.”

“So be it indeed,” Brad said. “Maybe I need to offer them both a shoulder to cry on. I’ve always wanted to be someone’s Uncle Brad.”

“That will be up to them, but I guarantee, you’d better mean it before making that offer. From what I’ve learned so far, Sammy and Maxine both have tender hearts and if someone hurts them, they’ll be answering to me.”

“Understood, boss,” Brad said, laying the tarp on top of the restacked boards. “Now, I’ve got the rest of this. Take your Little ones home.”

“Going, and just so you know, the car out back is Sammy’s.” He reached into his jean pocket and pulled out a set of keys he’d gotten from Sammy’s pockets, tossing them to Brad. “Have someone drive it over to my place. No rush, tomorrow morning is good enough.”

“Will do, and seriously, Jackson, I’m happy for you. You’ve been alone too long.”

“Thanks,” Jackson said, giving the man a smile. “You’ve got my number if something comes up.”

“Go,” Brad said firmly, pointing toward the door.

“Going,” Jackson said on his way through the door. He took the stairs two at a time, pausing halfway down to look out across the room. Both his Littles were still standing as ordered, pale bottoms practically glowing in the dim lighting of the club. A smile tugged at Jackson’s lips as he imagined they’d be glowing brighter and turning a pretty shade of red by the time he was done with their first lesson on how seriously he took safety. Adjusting his stiff cock, he descended the rest of the stairs and strode across the room to stand at equal distance between the two.

“Come here,” he said. When both turned and immediately bent to pull up their clothing, he shook his head. “Leave them where they are. Daddy is the only one who will both pull down your pants and pull them back up again.” When neither moved except to shoot each other a look, he snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot in front of him. “The longer it takes you to obey, the more swats I’ll add to your count.”

That seemed to do the trick as they both took the first steps of what they’d come to know as the shuffle of shame. Jackson felt not a single twinge of guilt for enjoying every single small step his Littles took on their way to their new Daddy.

Chapter 5

Jackson waited until they stood before him before going down on one knee in order to work first their panties up, drawing gasps of surprise from each when he placed a kiss on Maxine’s mons and the tip of Sammy’s penis before drawing the cloth over their bare bottoms. It was a simple act but one meant to impart the fact that while he was about to take them home to roast their rears, he wanted them to understand he only did so because he already truly cared for them.

Once he’d zipped Sammy’s jeans, having to rearrange his stiff dick a bit in order to do so, he pulled up Maxie’s leggings and patted her bottom. Straightening, he opened his arms and was immensely pleased when both Littles threw themselves into them. He spent a few minutes simply hugging them and accepting their hugs as well. Then it was time to set the basics of what was coming.

“Last chance. I’ve already assured Sammy that we’ll be using the safeword red for now, Maxie. It won’t stop a punishment once it’s begun unless you feel truly in danger, but I want you to know that you two are the ones in control. Say yellow if you need a short break, but that will only pause the spanking, not end it. If you call red, everything stops.”

“Like in the stories we read to each other,” Maxine said.

“Yeah, the Daddies and Mommies in those books don’t let naughty girls and boys decide when a spanking stops either. That must be some unwritten rule,” Sammy added.